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Christmas Security Alert : php injection
The security flaw
There was no check on the uploaded images in the wiki edit page. Then a malicious user with permission to upload image could upload any php script and call it directly in the tikiwiki file tree, from img/wiki_up/ directory. Actually the flaw is quite trivial, stupid, and obvious. It's rather amazing that nobody fixed it before.
The security cure
Repair your tiki without delay !
Check your tikiwiki sanity
Search for files with extensions .php, .php3, .php4 or .phtml in your img/wiki_up (or img/wiki_up/$tikidomain/ in case of multitiki). You can use the following onelines to find them out (works with multitikis too)
find img/wiki_up -type f -name "*.php" find img/wiki_up -type f -name "*.php3" find img/wiki_up -type f -name "*.php4" find img/wiki_up -type f -name "*.phtml"
Check your apache logs
To find out if someone used that flaw to inject unwanted php file, you can grep your logs (if you can use grep).
grep 'img/wiki_up/[^"]*.ph\(p\(3\|4\)\?\|tml\) ' var/log/apache/yourtiki.access.log
or if your logs are rotated and if you can use zgrep
zgrep 'img/wiki_up/[^"]*.ph\(p\(3\|4\)\?\|tml\) ' var/log/apache/yourtiki.access.log*
Apply a fix
The fastest emergency fix is to disable the "Pictures" feature in the wiki admin panel (/tiki-admin.php?page=wiki).
The alternative inhibition of pictures upload on wiki pages is to limit the feature by setting the tiki_p_upload_picture permission in the groups admin panel.
But for a real fix, and to still be able to include pictures on wiki pages, you need to upgrade or patch the tiki-editpage.php file :
- CVS users :
Just update your version, the fix is in all branches from 1.7 to 1.10
Copy to clipboardcvs -q update -dP
- Other users :
Add the following line in tiki-editpage.php
Copy to clipboardif (preg_match('/\.(gif|png|jpe?g)$/i',$picname))
just before the line containing
Copy to clipboardmove_uploaded_file( ...- with version 1.7.x, on line 106
- with version 1.8.x, on line 138
- with version 1.9rcx, on line 173 and 181
- with version 1.10, on line 172
The sysadmin way
Alternatively (or in more) to the file upgrade/patch, you can inhibit the parsing of php files in the img/ dir.
- If you use apache, but don't have access to the configuration file, create a .htaccess in img/wiki_up/ containing
Copy to clipboard<FilesMatch "\.ph(p(3|4)?|tml)$"> order deny,allow deny from all </FilesMatch>
if it doesn't work, ask your admin to activate the .htaccess power with
Copy to clipboardAllowOverride Limit
in the Directory directive of your tikiwiki tree. Note that if you use a multi-tiki setup, you'll need to add that .htaccess in each img/wiki_up/$tikidomain subdirectory.
- If you can change your apache conf because you admin it, add
Copy to clipboard<Directory /var/www/tiki/img> <FilesMatch "\.ph(p(3|4)?|tml)$"> order deny,allow deny from all </FilesMatch> </Directory>
where you need to adapt the path for the directory to match with where is located your img/ dir.
Both methods above just block the access to php files in img/ directory, but you may also want to inhibit .pl, .vb and other extensions if your global configuration enables those extensions to be parsed by another preprocessor.
New releases with a fix
In each released branch a new version is available, namely 1.7.9, and 1.9rc3.1. If you didn't apply one of the solutions listed above :
you should upgrade as soon as possible.
Remember that you always can alert the tikiwiki security group by sending a mail to security at
for the Tikiwiki Security Bunch-of-people