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AulaWiki 0.1 released, Tiki Workspaces

Javier Reyes -

In a few words, AulaWiki offers team collaboration environments (workspaces), allowing you to manage sets of Tiki resources in an easy way.
You can define different kinds of workspaces, to support the collaboration needs of each kind of team (Projects, Courses, Organizational Departments....).

TW.o is open to users' submissions of news/articles. Contribute! :-)

Submission managers -

TikiWiki.org site is open again to submission of news by users & developers, Mod creators, etc. Feel free to contribute with your news!

To submit some news, proceed as usual, click in the main Menu on "Articles > Submit article", and fill the form with your news.

For more information, see doc: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Articles+User

TikiWiki 1.9.2 released

Release Voice -

After the longest day of the year (daylight-saving time), the TikiWiki community released version 1.9.2 right in time for halloween.
This compatibility release for PHP5 and MySQL 4.1 includes lots of valuable bug-fixes.

Tiki 1.9.1 and 1.8.6 released!

Release Voice -

After long hours of intensive fixing/testing/fixing, two new versions of TikiWiki are now available on Sourceforge: version 1.8.6 for the 1.8 -Polaris- branch, and 1.9.1 for the 1.9 -Sirius- branch.

These 2 releases include fixes for recent major security flaws (some disclosed, some not yet). The 2 recent XMLRPC flaws have been corrected. (http://phpxmlrpc.sourceforge.net/)

So, consider upgrading as a REALLY IMPORTANT initiative if you don't want any security surprise (even if some flaws only concern some optional features).

Recent change to Tiki Messaging

Damian Parker -

This article is mainly a notice to all users of the internal Tiki messaging system. Since a recent change in 1.9, in order to receive messages from other site users, you need to visit your user preferences through MyTiki and enable the option Allow messages from other users. Until then you cannot receive internal messages including replies to messages you send out.

Recap on Installation Requirements

Damian Parker -

With many users posting in the forums and coming into our IRC channel requesting help as their TikiWiki site after a recent upgrade to 1.9 has started to generate blank or half drawn pages, I feel its needed to highlight the PHP memory_limit requirement again. Read more for the various links relating to this problem and solutions.

Security Fix

Florian Gleixner -

Gulftech Research pointed us to a bug in the xmlrpc library. This bug can be used to execute any php code remote. This is a serious security flaw and we encourage you to either use a workaround or to install updated xmlrpc libraries immediately.