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Tiki Website Gardeners' Blog

"Featured Tikis" page revamp completed

Gary Cunningham-Lee Monday 19 February 2018

The Featured Tikis page is updated now - Featured Tikis, with a submission form at Nominate a Site . The page is using tracker23 for the data. This tracker was used in the past but fields were changed/added and the display method was updated to use a wiki TPL - Featured_tiki_tpl. The CSS masonry layout that luci added to the Featured Tikis page is still used, but I widened the column width with custom CSS.

What is changed from before includes:

  • The site needs to be submitted by a registered user at tiki.org.
  • A larger screenshot is requested, for better image quality.
  • The screenshot image is loaded full size but is responsive to fit its container.
  • The screenshot field is a "files" type, changed from "image" type, in order to get the desired display behavior.
  • An "Accepted" checkbox was added that Admins will need to check to publish the site on the page.
  • There's a "Categories" field that uses multi-select checkboxes which are input as field options (doesn't use the Categories or Tags features for reasons that probably should be discussed separately).

If anyone has ideas about the page, regarding the information or how it's presented, let me know or go ahead and make edits. In particular, I wasn't sure about what info to display - contact email, etc.

Also everything is on the Featured Tikis page itself; there's no linking to a separate page-per-site, so this page could get really long and heavy. At some point it might be good to change that approach, so it would be similar to https://themes.tiki.org/Marketplace+Themes.

I submitted two sites (that I think qualify and I have the info/authorization for) to test with, so please add more when you can , or update any already in the tracker that you're aware of. The page is visible to all now.