I updated the page-bottom code on https://branding.tiki.org/Footer+code and put that content in the footers of Community, doc, dev, themes, profiles, and branding. The same menupage module method is used on all sites, displaying respective wiki pages "Shared_t-o_footer" (the custom module code used at branding and profiles was replaced by the menupage method, for consistency). The layout div classes, etc. were also updated for Tiki 19. I put a script section for CSS in the menupage's page to keep it with the content rather than rely on L&F custom CSS which might get lost. Branding and profiles have the same content but also needed a little extra CSS, being on old Tiki versions.
I checked the external links and removed dead ones; Flickr was borderline outdated so I added "(old)" to the link text. I changed the multi-word wiki page name character in the URLs from "+" to "-" as that's now the best practice.
The content of the footer isn't centrally served, so each instance needs updating/editing separately. I suggest making any changes to the model at the branding site and then repeating the updates/edits at each site's "Shared_t_o_footer" page, to keep things uniform.
-- Gary