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Tiki Website Gardeners' Blog

Community site menu updated

Gary Cunningham-Lee Thursday 02 November 2023

Since the "info.tiki.org" navigation revamp in the top module zone, there have been redundant menu items in that menu and the topbar menu. The idea of that revamp is that there would be a global menu at the top of each of the Tiki project sites, including tiki.org, doc.tiki.org, dev.tiki.org, and themes.tiki.org, to guide people to introductory information, etc. Then each of the sites would have a topbar menu specific to the site. There's no need for the global menu and site-specific menu to contain the same links, so the revised menu at tiki.org removes those.

The remaining menu items in the topbar menu I tried to group in some logical way, with "community"-related links, links to blogs and forums, and event-related links grouped, along with a "more about Tiki" group containing the links that were left over after the other groupings. These links are related to general information about Tiki.

This rearrangement is open to feedback and refinement (not to rejection, I hope 😉 ) so please let me know what you think.