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Features / Usability

Bugs, bugs

posts: 96 Romania

Hi there, using

Mozilla 1.6
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-GB; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040115

on Mandrake 10, I have to refresh every page I click on to see it, if I don't I only see the left column.

Anyway what's really bothering me is:
Do articles support multilingual versions? Because right now, using ver 1.9 cvs I've set up a test article with 2 languages but when switching using the combobox I get taken to the Wiki index (tiki-index.php) instead of the translation. Does this feature work on TW.org?

Also, I notice that on tikiwiki.org the latest update says Monday 23 August, 2004 00:08:32 UTC whereas using cvs on mdk 10 I found no changes for the last week or so, therefore I couldn't tell for sure if I am using the latest cvs or not. Am I doing anything wrong (on both counts) ?

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


Upgrade to Mozilla 1.7 and the page will render correctly. Firefox 0.8 also has this problem.

Multilingual is being developed in 1.9, dont rush it.

There are some major problems with the latest CVS code on BRANCH-1-9. TikiWiki.org runs on a CVS up -dP -D 12Aug2004 -r BRANCH-1-9 and that is the last day when the CVS branch was stable.

The date at the bottom just shows then the cvs command was last used on the site. Nothing related to a code, just when the command was used.

posts: 1092

Multilingual link
I just fixed it in the last 1.9 cvs
Thanks for reporting it

posts: 96 Romania

Well, 1-2 months seems like a long time...😊

I'm working on a translation, a css tableless template and a filegal mod, but seeing how the libs seem to be seeing a lot of changes lately, I'd rather work on a decently stable version.

Hmm, still not there apparently... Any special command i need to use?

cvs -z3 co -r BRANCH-1-9 tikiwiki doesn't find any new files...

posts: 1092
It is not new files. I changed templates/translated-lang.tpl and templates/tiki-read_article.tpl

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