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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Images disappeared

posts: 23 United States

Tiki 1.8-Polaris
OS - Linux
MySql - 4.0.20-standard
PHP - 4.3.8

For no discernible reason, all the images have ceased to be displayed. They seem to be present. The linked word 'thumbnail', or the word 'image' is displayed instead. Most mysterious. Does anyone have a clue? Or just how to fix it would be OK, too.

Take care,

posts: 175 Canada

I have had this problem after doing a TW upgrade!

Did you do something before the prob appeared? IE; upgrade or change file locations, ect?

Where does the link suggest it should be if you right click and ask for link location? I have found that I have images that lose thier image ID, do not know why!


maybe someone has a better answer as that is hardly an answer but more a question to a question!

posts: 1092

Do you store your images in the database or in a directory (panel admin/galleries)?
Did you change this recently?
If it is in a directory can you check if there is some files in the directory?

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

If you use phpMyAdmin to backup and restore with images in the database, they sometimes wont restore.

Always best to store in the file system, its faster 😊


posts: 16

Dear all

Although I am not the original poster, I will just hop in because I experienced the same as jamesoftopyia described. And it seems to me that Damians assumption is correct that the problem is connected to phpMyAdmin.

  • My images are in the database
  • I made a backup via phpMyAdmin
  • I upgraded from 1.8.2 to 1.8.4

After the upgrade the thumbnails just show "thumbnail". Here is an example of such a
thumbnail link:


If I click on it, the correct page for the image display comes up - but the image does not. At its place the word "image" appears.

Following Damians suggestions of storing all images in folders, my question is:
If I SWITCH now (i.e. "tick" the approriate box) so that images will be stored in a folder, what happens to the images in the DB? Do the users have to upload all of them again?

Thanks for your help!

posts: 16

More background information:

  • PHP is version 4.3.3
  • PHP configuration with '--enable-gd-native-ttf'


posts: 2881 United Kingdom


There is currently no migration routines to/from the database both for Image Galleries and File Galleries.

Changing the option midstream will only affect uploaded images/files after the change.


posts: 1 United States

I have the same problem, but there haven't been any upgrades at all.

Starting with a fresh installation of 1.7.8.
The images are stored in a directory, and that choice was set before any gallery was created.
Images come up as "image", and thumbnails come up as "thumbnail".
The image is in the image directory (and I can view it if I go there directly, i.e., outside of tiki).

GD is 1.6.2, with everything including freetype enabled (checked with phpinfo()).

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

I fear that you may need GD2 now-a-days


posts: 17 Mozambique
I also just upgraded to 1.8.4 and now I cannot insert an image into a blog using the
 Plugin Image
No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId or src.
snippet. The word "image" appears. Any posts I created before the upgrade still have the image posted inside the blog. Even if I copy and past the blog into a new blog, the word "image" appears in its place. I usually use images from my photo gallery which are already on my server and I simply want to insert an image using the img src function.

Why did this stop functioning and why do the posts from before the upgrade work fine?

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