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Features / Usability

Features missing in install?

posts: 27


I am researching various community systems to use for my site and for several clients as well. I have been looking at Nuke, Post-Nuke and Tiki-Wiki. I read the entire manual for Tiki-Wiki and like what I hear. I installed on Mac OS X and things seemed to be fine, but I am stumped as how to do some things. I can't find where to manage banners, I find no link anywhere, though I have it turned on. I see links in admin section and in the menu for Forums, but there are no options to make a forum as there are under File Galleries for example. The only other thing I tried so far that failed was RSS Newsfeeds. When I tried to connect to some I find links for, it always fails. What I have tried that I like is the downloads sections which are very nice and easy to use and one of the main reasons I hope to figure out the issues with Tiki-Wiki rather than use the other options. I will say, Nuke is faster on my server, but Tiki-Wiki is acceptable speed.


posts: 224 Ireland


I can't help you with the banners as it is functionality I don't use myself. However, managing the file galleries is quite easy. Do you not see a link create new gallery when you click on the 'File Galleries' menu? Make sure you have the right permissions to do so.

The RSS feeds can be a bit of a problem. First of all there is no proxy support and Tiki does have problems with some type of RSS feeds. I think several bugs are already logged for this on the SF site.

Most of the Nukes are indeed faster than Tiki but also much more difficult to manage and far less consistent then Tiki where functionality is concerned. I use PostNuke for a while but would never go back to it after getting to know TikiWiki!



posts: 27

I have reinstalled Tiki and also installed it on two separate systems, all of which are using the following:

Mac OS X or Mac OS X Server 10.2.6
PHP 4.3.2
MySQL 4.0.13

I still cannot create forums and some other areas do not feature the option to create new items in them. I also believe I am missing admin options for some items, but can't tell since I have never seen them!

The kind response from Pat thought I meant the File Gallery wouldn't let me create new galleries, but I meant to say that is working, but I don't get a similar option that I assume should be available for Forums.

Thanks for any help!

posts: 27

Quick update on my progress with this sitution:

Exploring the files in the Tiki directory and started to access the missing sections by typing their URL manually and that allowed me to create a Forum and make a banner and get at all the features I am missing visually from the system. Still don't know why things aren't working as they should, but at least I can keep exloring now.

BTW: I have been browsing with Internet Explorer 5.2.2 for Mac OS X and also Safari 1.0. Safari will sometimes overlap page elements, but it corrects itself on the next link usually.

posts: 224 Ireland

Hi elgerts,

To create a forum: look for a link called _Admin Forums__ in the 'Forums' section of the main menu. If you don't see this then it means you have no permission to do so. In that case you would either have to do it as the 'admin' user or use the 'admin' use to assign the 'admin_forums' permission to your user account.



posts: 27

Your idea that I don't have permissions is an interesting one. I only have one user, and that is the admin comes with the system. I have not made any new users, primarily as that option is not available to me anywhere, unless I type the url for the admin.php pages specific to that feature at which point I can get it to work fine. In all three installations this has been the same case for me. Am I doing something wrong in installation possibly or are there issues installing on Mac OS X in the way I am with the versions of MySQL, Apache, and PHP that I utilize?


posts: 3
hi i want to learn that TIKI is supporting Turkish language , how could i get information ?

posts: 224 Ireland

> elgerts:
> Your idea that I don't have permissions is an interesting one. I only have one user, and that is the admin comes with the system. I have not made any new users, primarily as that option is not available to me anywhere, unless I type the url for the admin.php pages specific to that feature at which point I can get it to work fine. In all three installations this has been the same case for me. Am I doing something wrong in installation possibly or are there issues installing on Mac OS X in the way I am with the versions of MySQL, Apache, and PHP that I utilize?
> Thanks!

If you are doing all your actions as 'admin' user then you already have or should have all permissions. Looks like there is a problem with your installation alright. What version of PHP are you using? Do you have a menu on the left hand side of the screen and if so what options are available? Can you login without any problems as 'admin'?



posts: 224 Ireland

> noble78:
> hi i want to learn that TIKI is supporting Turkish language , how could i get information ?

Please see this topic: TikiWikiInternationalizationAndLanguages

Also you should have posted this question in a separate thread as it is not related to the question of the original post.



posts: 27

Here is my precise setup, though note I also tried this on somewhat different systems, but only very slightly different.

Power Mac G4 2G memory
Mac OS X Server 10.2.6
Apache 1.3.x
PHP 4.3.2
MySQL 4.0.12
Using a PHP.ini file with register_globals=on
Exim 4.2 is the SMTP server on this server

Contents of my right menu in Tiki:

contact us
:: Workflow
:: Wiki
:: Image Gals
:: Articles
:: Blogs
:: Forums
:: Directory
:: File Galleries
:: FAQs
:: Quizzes
:: Trackers
:: Surveys
:: Newsletters
:: Ephemerides
:: Charts
:: Admin (click!)

Note that FIle Galleries seems to work perfect as it lets me make new ones and I believe a few other features work correct. Others, do not show any availalbe (which is true as I have not made any, for example in the Forums section) and no option to make one either. If I hand type the admin url for Forums I get a page that allows me to create a forum. Same for RSS feeds whcih I was able to successfully make and then I hand typed the modules admin and made a module to put these feeds in and that worked fine.

Thanks for your help!

posts: 224 Ireland

Just to double check: do you actually see a [+] and [-] sign next to each menu item? These navigators allow to open and close the menu items and serve to show/hide sub-menu items. These clickable links require Javascript to work properly on your browser so maybe is something wrong there?



posts: 27
No, I never see those. I have tried my site and this tikiwiki.org site using Safari 1.0, Internet Explorer 5.2.2 for Mac OS X and I also remotely logged into a Windows 2000 Server I have with IE for Windows and logged into both my site and the Tiki site with that and I still don't see these gadgets.

posts: 224 Ireland

Then you must have Javascript disabled in all your browsers. Make sure it is switched on otherwise you will never see them!



posts: 27
I thought of that, but checked to make sure it was turned on. I am verifying it within the PC browser right now, but I haven't a clue where to check if it is on or not. Safari and IE 5.2.2 for Mac had Javascript enabled.

posts: 27
Well, I finally had the sense to click on the set of two colons at the front of many of the sections in the menu and sure enough, that drops down the options! Looks like all is well and I just was silly to not figure that out.

posts: 224 Ireland

Ah, didn't think of that possibility neither. Obviously the way these navigators show up depends on the theme you are using. In my case it is the 'plus' and 'minus' signs.



posts: 27


I just wanted to thank you for you swift responses and guidance on the issues I had. I am elated that there were no bugs in the system and it was my own misunderstanding that was the cause of my problems. I am totally sold on Tikiwiki as the system I intend to use not only for my website but for a client I demoed it to on Friday. They were quite impressed and it should really help their website needs in a huge way. I am very pleased to be a new member of the Tiki community.