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Features / Usability

Module display on wiki page

posts: 22 Switzerland

I would like to display the module "last_files" on a wiki page, but some of the filenames are in a wikiword style, so they get a ? (which means you can create a tikiwiki page).

In my glory simpleness I try to use the "np" around the module syntax 😡 but of course that doesn't work.. does anyone have an idea?


posts: 1092

The behaviour has been fixed for 1.9

An idea - perhaps not applicable for your case: give a name not like a wiki page to the files and change templates/modules/mod-last_files.php the display filename -> name

posts: 22 Switzerland

Okey 😊 I did that.. and it works just fine
thanks a lot

Another idea I had was to do it with a rss feed, that worked out just fine too.

Hm.. nice to see such bugs get smashed 😊

Perhabs wrong here, and perhabs already done, but it would be nice to have a possibility to see the descritiption below the files, or when you move the mouse over the link.. just a idea..
