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Custom Share Module 0.1dev




posts: 1

Hello everyone,

I didn't find anyway to build automatically a menu from a wiki structure so I will have to implement it.
For instance, My wiki looks like this:
1 General page
1.1 documentation
1.1.1 php
1.1.2 mysql
1.2 support
1.2 contacts

I want to build the exact menu in the left module with css like phplayermenu.
I never developped modules for tikiwiki,
Can you give me advise to develop this as fast as possible ?

Thank you very much,

posts: 1092

You can look at the tpl templates/tiki-user_menu.tpl that is the tpl of a menu

To create a module, the best is to take an example ex: modules/mod-top_games.php and templates/modules/mod-top_games.tpl . In the php you have to assign a smarty var that contains your structure, and you use it in the tpl

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