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Community and *.tiki.org site organization

Community and *.tiki.org site organization

The forntpage on tikiwiki.org ??

posts: 1


i was wondering how you maneged to get a "ordenery" tiki-wiki page at the top, and then the articles section futher down the same page

I im in the process of setting up tikiwiki system, and wants to display exactly the same content on the fromtpage of my site (the combanation of tiki pages and articles futher down)

sonny from denmark

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Try PluginArticles

If you ever want to know how a wiki page is formatted, goto the History and click 's' (for source) on the latest version.


posts: 4662 Japan

> Try PluginArticles
> If you ever want to know how a wiki page is formatted, goto the History and click 's' (for source) on the latest version.

On my Tiki sites, when I use the articles plugin in a wiki page, the square brackets around the article posting time turn the time into an outside page link, as they are interpreted as link syntax like any other pair of brackets. This pretty much makes the plugin unusable. I wonder why this doesn't happen at tw.o., where the posting time appears normally inside the square brackets, which apparently aren't interpreted as wiki syntax here). Any ideas?

-- Gary

posts: 4662 Japan

> > Try PluginArticles
> >
> > If you ever want to know how a wiki page is formatted, goto the History and click 's' (for source) on the latest version.
> On my Tiki sites,

I just checked again and found on one of my Tiki sites the brackets frame the time normally (i.e., like at tikiwiki.org), and on another, they turn the time into an external link. Both sites are running Tiki 1.9.0 on Linux/Apache. Hmm. I'll check to see if I can find any differences.

-- Gary