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Features / Usability

TIKIWIKI as a Project Management tool?

posts: 12 France

Has anyone some feedback / experience / comments to make in using TIKIWIKI as some kind of project management tool within their organisation to help people brainstorm, collaborate more effectively and get rid of this mail syndrom.


posts: 1639 Canada


I use it a lot for team/project management.

Twiki has a great presentation related to this subject: The Wiki, a Shared Blog for the Corporate World.

On slide 46, he mentions : "E-mail doesn't scale"

Best regards,

M 😉

posts: 6


we used it for everything in our agency. Compared to tools really designed for enterprise workflows, it's a bit like writing everything on pieces of paper with the possibility to write a link to another on it and follow it quickly.

For example:
You create an Projectoverview on a wikipage. Every project is a wiki page too. On this pages you define the tasks. In a real project management, it would be possible to view, filter, search and change tasks on one page. Here you have to know, where the information is or to copy it on every other page.
You can also try to deal with missing page for plugin INCLUDE
but i haven't really good experiences.

Another problem is, it's necessary to organise your pagenaming strictly or work with structures.

Of course you can use stuff like the personal tasks feature and so on, but that doesn't satisfy me.

Other problems are - if you are work in a bigger team - that tikipages cannot be edited by more than one person at the same time. So it depends on the length of your page or let's say your efforts to split everything to different pages. (wich you could include later in an overview).

With the galaxia workflow I'm not very familiar, but it seems quite powerful, see the forum in here on this topic.

But anyway, my personal opinion is, that tikiwiki is not designed to be used as an Enterprise Software - more a community platform with all the features, the people like. But everything standalone. If you'd by a business solution, there would beo no file gallery, where you can store files, when you can attach files to forum posts or blog posts or wikipages at the same time. Or you could create an entry (let's not talk about wikipages or posts, it's all the same in the end) for your client, one for your project and one for the eMail you want to write him. And now tell the project, that there is a task, which relates it to the eMail, wich is related to the client. You can do this by links and backlinks, but thats not elegant. More like having loads of pieces of paper. Just for one example, I'm tired, it's latearly here.

You can do very much, if you learn to develope your own modules to realise the functionality, you might know from software like outlook, project or nots. It's possible, Tiki is great.

There are many features and changes, we requested in the last 5month working almost only in tiki (experimental and I would really, really be glad, if I found some people to discuss real enterprise usage and not only the "collaboration plattform" or "Shard Blog for rhe Corporate World".

Maybe we'll implement a plattform for doing that together, if some people here are interested. I'm thinking less about developing always new and new features (like maps, I don't need that really 😊) ) but making the stable releases ready for business.

