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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Menu building questions

posts: 7

I'm a newb trying to build some menus, and was hoping for some assistance.

Firstly, I've built a menu that I only want certain groups to see. And whilst I can do this for various menu options, the menu itself still appears. Is there anyway around this?

Secondly, the menu I built, I want some of the options to be links to external sites in new windows. How does one do this? I'd rather not have a seperate 'featured links' menu.

posts: 7
Hmm...I don't seem to have that visibility section. What version is that with?
posts: 4662 Japan

That visibility selector is new in the 1.9rc versions, but actually just determines how a module is "introduced", so to speak. This selector enables the admin to force the module to show immediately for all specified groups or to just make it available for users in those groups to select for display themselves (or not) using their MyTiki/Modules page (if "Users can Configure Modules" is checked on the Admin/Features page — if this isn't checked, then modules are simply turned on or off by Admin without users having any choice, and the "visibility selector" doesn't apply). The real visibility of a module is determined on the Admin Modules page where the admin selects the groups that can see it.

-- Gary

posts: 3

Can anyone answer the second question re external URL link in a TikiWiki menu - it seems to ALWAYS assume that link is internal

> Secondly, the menu I built, I want some of the options to be links to external sites in new windows. How does one do this? I'd rather not have a seperate 'featured links' menu.

posts: 4662 Japan

> Can anyone answer the second question re external URL link in a TikiWiki menu - it seems to ALWAYS assume that link is internal
> > Secondly, the menu I built, I want some of the options to be links to external sites in new windows. How does one do this? I'd rather not have a seperate 'featured links' menu.

I guess you mean that you want external links to open in a new window? The links in the menus are just handled as URLs, and I don't know any way to modify them directly with "target=_blank", etc.

How about this for a workaround: Make new links (Add Sites) in your Directory for all the external URLs, and then use the directory links in your menu. Directory links can be set to open in a new window.

-- Gary

posts: 4662 Japan

> How about this for a workaround: Make new links (Add Sites) in your Directory for all the external URLs, and then use the directory links in your menu. Directory links can be set to open in a new window.

Oops, sorry, this doesn't work. Clicking on a Directory link anywhere else in Tiki will open the page in a new window, but in a menu the link opens in the same window, despite what the setting in Admin/Directory is. 👻

-- Gary

posts: 113 Ireland

> Can anyone answer the second question re external URL link in a TikiWiki menu - it seems to ALWAYS assume that link is internal
> > Secondly, the menu I built, I want some of the options to be links to external sites in new windows. How does one do this? I'd rather not have a seperate 'featured links' menu.

For the URL in the menu to use a new browser, set the URL to :

http://www.yahoo.com" target="_blank

This passes the target parameter to the system.

This also works on wiki pages if Allow HTML is enabled.


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