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Galaxia Workflow Engine

Galaxia Workflow Engine

Anyone Using Galaxia?

There are so few posting on this forum that makes me wonder if anyone is really using Galaxia. There are also some simple bugs that users can find without too much effort. Anyone using it for real world application? Did you end up doing a lot of customization and fixing?

> There are so few posting on this forum that makes me wonder if anyone is really using Galaxia. There are also some simple bugs that users can find without too much effort. Anyone using it for real world application? Did you end up doing a lot of customization and fixing?

Yes I use GALAXIA !
I just finishing the integration of GALAXIA in the XOOPS CMS (but this the same core as TIKI) and I use it in a professional project.
I work on Identity management project and GALAXIA is used in the provisionning worklfow.

It's true that the first approach is a little but difficult but when you are enter in the product it work fine. I just find some bugs.

The problem for GALAXIA adoption is that you need to enter in the PHP code to code the actiivties. In many organisation, people want to have some wizard to create workflow. It's the future step and it depends on the CMS that you use.


Not using it in production quite yet, still looking into how and if things can be done. It's weird that the groups don't match to tiki groups, and I don't think I like the amount of navigation required to carry out a sequence of tasks in one sitting.

I guess the sane thing to do is to post some feature requests and bug reports? Can anyone clarify the relationship between galaxia and tiki? Is there a separate galaxia project that someone is merging with tiki, or is it officially a part of tikiwiki? Just in case I decide to try and fix some bugs, like.

Random bug of the day: renaming processes.

Click on "admin processes" in the menu.
Click on process name, get the "add or edit a process" screen with the process' name and description pre-filled.
Change the name of the process to "foo", click update.
* get a smarty warning about a missing href parameter.
Go to user processes in the menu
Click on your new process (foo 2.0 or whatever)
Click on the arrow to carry out a process
* big warning: failed to open stream tikiwiki-1.8.5/lib/Galaxia/processes/foo_20/compiled/setup.php

Ah - that's because the compiled php files have got the old process name for the common code.
* proper fix: recompile all processes if the process name is changed?
* quick fix: edit all the .php files in foo_20/compiled to point to the correct shared.php - eg change
(or do perl -spi.bak -e 's/cd_loans/foo/' *.php)
OK. try again...

* still get error
Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "foo_20/setup.tpl" in x/tikiwiki-1.8.5/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1150

but I'm darned if I can find how to fix this one.

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