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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

how to convert cvs1.9 DB to 1.9.0 format

posts: 49 Canada

Anyone know how to convert the format of a 1.9 pre-release (CVS) DB (mysql) to the format used by the recently released 1.9.0 version?

I have been trying to upgrade my site from the unofficial 1.9 version i was running to the official release. Almost everything is working but some of the features give me DB query errors. With a little diggin i can see that the table structure has changed for some tables.

Is there a script to fix or maybe even a list of what needs to be changed.. there is a lot of tables!!


posts: 49 Canada

ok, is it possible than pre-release 1.9 format is the same as 1.8 format ???

when i run the convert 1.8 to 1.9 script at tiki-install.php - even though i get many errors when i do this, things seemt to be working much better now.

although i notice my gallery thumbnails are much slower now.. grrr!!! k, next thing to look at.


posts: 26 United States
when i run the convert 1.8 to 1.9 script at tiki-install.php - even though i get many errors when i do this, things seem to be working much better now.


Hm, I ditto Peter's account. Repeatedly ran the 1.8 to 1.9 script and repeatedly got print errors. Three times was as much I cared to try.

You may execute this command as often as you like, and may safely ignore any error messages that appear.

Hmmm, what does my Spidey sense tell me?

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