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How to list "Pages Not yet created"

posts: 22 United Kingdom

Am probably being daft, but I can't see how to do this.
Is there a way to list (via plug-in or whatever) the pages that have links to them but do not yet have a page?

(i.e. much like MediaWiki's Special:WantedPages feature)

Thanks for any help


posts: 4668 Japan

No, I don't think Tiki has any way of showing that information. (Actually these aren't "pages that have links to them but do not yet have a page," but rather are links to uncreated pages, aren't they? — Just so I understand your question.) I imagine a script that searched the wiki page table for links with question marks appended would produce that information, but no one has done it yet, as far as I know.

-- Gary

posts: 22 United Kingdom

Thanks Gary - (and yes your phrasing was clearer and more correct!😀. Shame about this. It's a really useful feature for pointing people to places that they can help contribute to a wiki. ANyway, Will have a rummage around and try to cobble something together



> No, I don't think Tiki has any way of showing that information. (Actually these aren't "pages that have links to them but do not yet have a page," but rather are links to uncreated pages, aren't they? — Just so I understand your question.) I imagine a script that searched the wiki page table for links with question marks appended would produce that information, but no one has done it yet, as far as I know.
> — Gary

posts: 1092
Definetivly on the list of things to do

posts: 111 Taiwan

> Hi
> Am probably being daft, but I can't see how to do this.
> Is there a way to list (via plug-in or whatever) the pages that have links to them but do not yet have a page?
> (i.e. much like MediaWiki's Special:WantedPages feature)

- just for the record, in 1.9.2 there is a new wikiplugin named wantedpages that does exactly what you talk about.


posts: 31 United States

> > Hi
> > Am probably being daft, but I can't see how to do this.
> > Is there a way to list (via plug-in or whatever) the pages that have links to them but do not yet have a page?
> >
> > (i.e. much like MediaWiki's Special:WantedPages feature)
> - just for the record, in 1.9.2 there is a new wikiplugin named wantedpages that does exactly what you talk about.

Is that plugin installed on doc.tikiwiki.org? It would be nice to have 😀