Features / Usability

Features / Usability

User Menu and Permissions

posts: 12

I created a user menu and want to show all menu items to everybody but restrict the usage of some items to registered users. It's my goal to prompt anonymous users to register first. Actually granting menu items to the group Registered makes these items disappear for anonymous users.

How can I do this? Thanks for any help


posts: 4656 Japan

Wow, people are never satisfied! It took us until now to have no-access menu links not display, and now you want them visible! wink (Just kidding.)

Well, if I understand your question correctly, what if you don't specify any permissions or groups for those menu links, so the Anon group can see them, but keep the pages, etc. they're pointing at off-limits by setting their view permission for Registered? The menu permissions only control visibility of the menu itself, not what its linking to.

-- Gary

posts: 12

I'm sorry to make you sad redface
I did not recognize that permissions on the menu level only apply to the menu itself. Now I removed the permissions from the menu (to show unregistered users all the goodies) and granted the perms tiki_p_take_survey and tiki_view_survey stats to the survey - in this case. It works fine.
And you know what: As soon as I manage to translate the error message 'You don't have permission to use this feature' into a polite 'PLEASE register and login first' I WILL BE satisfied.
Thanks for your help!


posts: 25 United States

Sorry for horning in...

I have a similar issue with the a new Menu I've made. Only in this case I can successfully hide the menu entries that un-authorized users are not allowed to see, but they can still see the actual Menu Module box... I've been looking for how to make this disappear and only be present for users of the target group.

Suggestions appreciated.