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Architecture / Installation

General Config admin page doesn't do anything

posts: 4


I'm using TikiWiki v1.9DR4 (CVS) -Sirius-, and I'm having an odd problem. Until recently I was able to make changes using the General Config page, but now it's not accepting my changes. I'm not getting an error message or anything; it's just silently ignoring any changes I've tried making on that page (ie, date formatting, session lifetime, etc). Other admin pages seem to work OK.

It's rather annoying. I'm still testing, so if need be, I can toast my installation and reinstall from scratch; but I'd like to know what's going on, in case this happens when there's actual live content in place.



posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Hi Pat,

This happened on the old doc.tw.o site before I reinstalled with a fresh CVS checkout. Remember that CVS copies change day to day 😉

Also try empting the templates_c smarty cache folder.


posts: 4

> This happened on the old doc.tw.o site before I reinstalled with a fresh CVS checkout. Remember that CVS copies change day to day 😉

I'll try that, thanks. (OTOH, I don't need to be all bleeding-edge here. Maybe I'll just switch to a non-CVS version — I actually hadn't noticed that I was using the CVS version when I installed it...)


posts: 4

> This happened on the old doc.tw.o site before I reinstalled with a fresh CVS checkout.
> Remember that CVS copies change day to day 😉
> Also try empting the templates_c smarty cache folder.

Doesn't seem to have worked. Is there something in the database that I can change? Or might it be a setting in some php file somewhere?



posts: 4

Sadly, that didn't do it. I still can't make any changes through the General Admin page. It discards them silently. Is there something in the DB that I can check, or some php file?

TIA again,
