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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

are these bugs?

posts: 24


I run TikiWiki v1.9.0 and somethings do not seem to work..

Question #1 -
Using the wiki, when I type in the form of pagename, tiki thinks the page exists and puts a link to myserver/pagename - which is useless because the page is not there..

(BTW, when I use PageName syntax - tiki works fine..)

Question #2 -

last_category_objects shows nothing what-so-ever. Any ideas why?



posts: 957

> Question #1 -
> Using the wiki, when I type in the form of [pagename], tiki thinks the page exists and puts a link to myserver/pagename - which is useless because the page is not there..

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Square brackets are used for externals links (see "Wiki help" information, on any wiki page edition)
Double Round brackets (parenthesis) are used to force internal wiki link

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Question #2: no idea...

posts: 24

Thanks, yes... Guess trying a few wikies at the same time can seriously affect one's brackets..

Any idea regarding the latest categories object module..?



posts: 4661 Japan

> Question #2 -
> last_category_objects shows nothing what-so-ever. Any ideas why?

A category Id has to be specified in the Parameters box on the Admin Modules page, something like id=4 (use lowercase i). There's also a "type" parameter, which I found out by looking at mod_last-categorized-object.php, which should let you indicate wiki page, blog, file gallery, etc., but I couldn't get it to work. That's why the module has the title "Last wiki page". "wiki page" is supplied via a variable as the type and should reflect the parameter, if things work correctly. (Actually the module title should be something like "Last wiki page categorized" or "Last-categorized ($type)", to be accurate.)

I don't know how the user can know the category Id without looking at the database directly (categId in the tiki_categories table). Also, this Id is for a specific category only. There seems to be the option of using id=*, to return all categories, but I couldn't get that to work. I guess either my syntax to use for parameters was wrong (and I tried a bunch of different ways), or else something's broken.

-- Gary

posts: 4661 Japan

I messed around with the parameter syntax for quite a while before I checked the docs. Duh.

To specify multiple parameters, connect them like this: id=4&type=blog. Using type=* will return all object types, including wiki pages, galleries, blogs, etc.

Using this syntax, I was able to get results about different categories and types, and the module title also reflected the type. One problem is using "type=*". Then the module title becomes "Last". Not too informative. The module title probably should be "Last categorized ($type)". Then when the type is "all" and no type name is supplied to the module title, the title still makes some sense Maybe this can be changed for the next upgrade, unless you want to modify the files yourself.

-- Gary

posts: 24

Thanks Gary.

I played a bit with the ids. Type id=0,1,2,3,4,5 and so on - and different links to wiki pages are being shown...


a - these are not objects in a category..

b - I could see these links only when pressed the preview module. The module itself does not seem to show up on either the left nor the right hand side...


posts: 4661 Japan

> a - these are not objects in a category..

That's weird. I don't know what would be causing that. I suggest doing a test case of a known categorized object and category id and type for the module, to see if that works. I would double-check on the items being incorrectly listed by the module as categorized, to see for sure that they haven't been put in a category by some indirect method, or to see what they might have in common, to help figure out the any bug that might be involved. If you're sure there's no "operator error," then you could submit a bug report (at dev.tikiwiki.org).

> b - I could see these links only when pressed the preview module. The module itself does not seem to show up on either the left nor the right hand side...

Are you sure the permissions (groups) are set correctly when you assign the module on the Admin Modules page, and that your own MyTiki/Modules setting is set to display the module to you?

(I hope you like puzzle-solving. 😉)

-- Gary

posts: 24


  1. 1

I have checked that admin and mytiki sets are correct. No significant change.
I just get a box with "last" at its heading and nothing else in it.
Also, when I try to preview, no content is shown.

Please note that the categories box which suppose to appear on categories objects - does not appear either.

Maybe I didn't install the tiki correctly??

  1. 2

Just want to eliminate all other options before submitting this as a bug. What I do not get is, how come these categories modules work fine for everyone else - but yours truely..?

Best wishes!


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