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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Hide ip in wiki history?

posts: 10
Is there a way to hide/mask ip in wiki history (1.9.0)? I think for now I can termporarily hack histlib.php and changed all ip address to be shown as It seems this feature request has been raised before, is it already implemented in 1.9.0 or is there any plan to do so? Thanks.
posts: 10
Took a quick look at tiki-pagehistory.tpl, looks like there is a $feature_wiki_history_ip in there. However I couldn't find in admin panel where to toggle this. So I just went ahead with a quick hack: replace $info.ip and $historyhist.ip with "*.*.*.*", and it will mask out the ip address in wiki history.

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