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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: LayersMenu Error: setMenuStructureString: empty string.

posts: 38 United States

> LayersMenu Error: setMenuStructureString: empty string.
> Halted.

I had the same error. This page helped me troubleshoot it, so I thought I'd share what I learned.

Here's what seemed to cause my problem:

I created an expandable multilevel menu according to an article elsewhere on this site, using phpLayers. I wanted to restrict access to the content to registered users only, so I set the module to be only available to the "registered" group, and all the link pages were also limited this way. Everything looked fine until I logged out. Then I got this error.

Fortunately, I was able to use the information here to disable phplayers so I could get back into the website. To my surprise, on the login screen (when I wasn't logged in yet), I saw my phplayers menu module with a "phplayers inactive" message. I found I had left "show all modules to everyone all the time" checked, so the system was trying to show a module illegally to anonymous users. Once I turned off "show all modules to everyone all the time," I was able to re-enable phplayers and I can now see the site normally even after I log out (without the restricted module).

Of course, I've had tiki running for all of 3 days, so I may hit another snag soon. (Not knowing PHP is an extra challenge... but heck, what's another language?) Anyway, hopefully someone else will get some good from my pain. Moral of the story: if you want to restrict access to phplayer modules, make sure to turn off that pesky "show everything" option, or your tiki will halt.


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