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Creating a template for wiki content

posts: 56

On creating a new wiki page/concept, how can I make it so that it automatically picks up a template and populate the wiki page for me? Says, I have a template like this:

<p> <h1>Abstract</h1> </p> <p>Your abstract here</p> <p> <h1>Content</h1> </p> <p>Your content here</p>

When I start to create my new wiki page, it should populate the content using this template for me inside the wiki page.

How can I do this? Please let me know. Thank you.

posts: 1092

1) There is the content template. admin->wiki->use templates, admin -> content templates
So withe a template like

-=abstract=- -=Content=-

that you use at each page creation.
But this will not prevent a user to changes the page displays

2) a tracker with 2 textarea fields can also do the trick

Possible but not the best IMHO


posts: 56

Thank you Sylvie. I'm wondering how could I associate different template to different user group. For example, I have two project teams which require two different templates. How would I be able to accomplish that? Thank you.


> 1) There is the content template. admin->wiki->use templates, admin -> content templates
> So withe a template like

-=abstract=- > -=Content=- >

> that you use at each page creation.
> But this will not prevent a user to changes the page displays
> 2) a tracker with 2 textarea fields can also do the trick
> Possible but not the best IMHO
> sylvie

posts: 38 United States

Perhaps the question is about setting a "default" template that would automatically be applied on new page creation, either by a specific user, by group, or globally. That might be an interesting option.


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