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Features / Usability

Trackers, OnlineShop, Searching

posts: 7 Germany

Im really impressed about tikiwiki.
But its really hard to learn or get new information in here.

Im searching for Information about trackers for days now. Im german. Reading English is not a real problem. But today I tried to read the french Informations about trackers, as it is the only existing information-...
Thats hard.
Still some questions:

1.trackers - Is it possible to get information automatic into tracker-fields.
For Example: kind of an onlineshop. Fields to choose a shirt, how many, and so on... Id like to get the user, date automatic in the fields.. (Yes there is an existing field for date) ...

2.trackers - Id like to mail new tracker-inputs automatic to a person. And I like to adjust this mail. How is it possible to give several field-information into a mail.

3. trackers. Id like to use trackers as a kind of form mailer. How to?
Is there another plugin, possibility to create a tiki form and send content via mail to sb.?

4. Search-function. Why the hell isnt there a boolean search with "and" or "or"... It is so hard to search for information in here...
Thanks for the Tiki!!! but I cant understand the missing of the feature...
And: Why cant I see the complete post, when I klick on a result of my search...??? I dont understand that...

5. Is there a listing of all possible Plugins for Tiki?
Are there Sites of examples?

Thanks for answers...
Sorry for that much...
Dont get me wrong! Im really happy about this community and the tiki,
but searching for days is hard....

Greets from Germany,

posts: 38 United States

Hi Tomek,

I don't think trackers can do any of these things yet, but they sound like very useful features to me. I especially wish we had boolean searching for all Tiki content!

> 5. Is there a listing of all possible Plugins for Tiki?
> Are there Sites of examples?

This I can help you with. http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=PluginsList or search on "plugins."


posts: 7 Germany

Thanks e.dalton!

Im reading this forum since yesterday. Ive scrolled through all 125 pages and reading about 2-3 articles per page...
on english.

I've found a solution to include a mail-process into a tpl.....
as Rick explains to send articles on his userpage...


So... It should be possible to write a php to send tracker-content into an email.

But how to delete trackers after Ive sent them...?


Sorry for my hard words in my post... But im depressed about the documentation... I think, its more important to complete the documentation, then making new versions.
I use Tikiwiki since about a week.
And its really hard to find answers.
A complete docu, a good searching-feature is very important.
(Sorry. Im working as a information-searcher of all types of media for a broadcast station in germany, rtl, so im used to get information fast. cause its important in this business)

Ok, enough of that..
Anybody some good Ideas?
How to change content of a tracker...?
Greets. Thanks very much!

posts: 7 Germany

I have no experience with templates or smarty...

Im trying to change tracker_changed_notification to include details of a new entry of a tracker. To sent this content via mail...

I ttried to understand tiki_view_tracker.tpl to make the code...

Is there any programmers documentation about it...?

Is this how i should work?

Im asking, cause perhaps sb other would like this feature..

Perhaps there are other way to solve this..
I read all the information at the dev-section...

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