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Features / Usability

Creating Structure for a existing page

posts: 3

i want to use the structure feature (for my first time).
The pages already exists, so they should not beeing created, when I create a structure. And exactly this is my problem:

When i type the name of a existing page in the input-field named "Structure-ID" and click on "Create new structure" i get an error message like this: "Fehler: "sitename" Seite nicht hinzugefügt (existiert schon)" / "Error: "Sitename" not added (already exist)
...and the structe is not created.

Can anybody tell me, what to do, that tikiWiki creates the structure (for a existing page..)


posts: 4661 Japan

Your structure can't have the name of an existing page, I believe. This is because when a new structure is created, a page is created with the structure name, as its top page. This is where the conflict happens.

So it seems you must give the structure a different name than any of your existing pages. If you definitely want the structure top page to be named as, and have the content of, one of your current pages, then you could temporarily rename the page that you want at the top of the structure, then make the new structure with the name you want at the top (the original page name), then copy the contents of the old renamed page to the new structure top page. I hope that description is clear. 😉 Do you think that would work?

It might be worthwhile to make a "test structure" that you can play with and delete, if you don't want to take a chance on messing up real content.

-- Gary - zukakakina.com

posts: 56 China

Rename - New Name - Copy - Delete, this method should work. But, can we just Promote an existing page to be the top page of a new (or existing) structure?

Sorry, I am a newbie here, if you already have this feature in latest version, forgive my ignorance.

posts: 3665 United States

Realize that when you create a new structure, Tiki also creates a wiki page (named identically) as the "home" page for the structure. This page is created automatically, by default.

There's not really a way (that I'm aware of) to make a different page be the "home" page for the structure, after you've already created the structure.


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