Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

tiki_p_admin_rssmodules missing after upgrade

posts: 3

I Upgraded from 1.9.2 to 1.9.4 and suddenly my RSS Admin did not work. It kept complaining about missing tiki_p_admin_rssmodules.

Sure enough, there was no tiki_p_admin_rssmodules defined in the user permissions table so I added it to the DB, added the new permission to the group and now it works again.

Here is what changed in the tiki-admin_rssmodules.php between versions that caused the problem

Version 1.9.2

if ($tiki_p_admin != 'y') {
$smarty->assign('msg', tra("You do not have permission to use this feature"));


Version 1.9.4

if ($tiki_p_admin_rssmodules != 'y') {
$smarty->assign('msg', tra("You do not have permission to use this feature"));


Did I miss a step in the upgrade that would have inserted this value into the database? Would I be missing other things like this that I have not discovered yet? Should this be put in the bug tracker or is it my fault for missing an upgrade step?

thanks ahead of time!

posts: 1633 Canada

> Did I miss a step in the upgrade that would have inserted this value into the database? Would I be missing other things like this that I have not discovered yet? Should this be put in the bug tracker or is it my fault for missing an upgrade step?
> thanks ahead of time!

Please run the 1.8to1.9 upgrade script from tiki-install.php or use db/tiki_1.8to1.9.sql via phpmyadmin

posts: 3
Thanks, That did the trick. mrgreen My host must have had an out of sync base install script.