Adding $remembertime time of 1 year
Most sites log a person in permanently, thank God, 😁 or at least give you a check box option. I am not referring to "remember me." No offense, but one thing that is totally unacceptable about tikiwiki is the 2 hour login. That is ridiculous! Therefore I hope that you people add the following changes
FILE: \templates\tiki-admin-include-login.tpl
Search for the word "week" and you will see the following line
<option value="720000" {if $remembertime eq 720000} selected="selected"{/if}>1 week{/tr}</option>
Added the following line right after the above line
<option value="37440000" {if $remembertime eq 37440000} selected="selected"{/if}>1 year{/tr}</option>