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Features / Usability

slow website

posts: 61


first tikiwiki is great i use it for about 2 years and i'am very happy with it.
but last couple of months the website is getting very slow.

is there any documentation to solve such a problem or
is there en expert which can help me (for a small amount of mony)?

can the problem be a to large database (images go into the db)

this is my website:

i will too update the software to the latest version.

posts: 61
and is there a way to log the sql queries done?

posts: 61

ok i updated my site to 1.9.5 and it posibly is a bit slower but the site is still realy slow.

the new version is:

posts: 61
i would realy be helped if some can point me to the place where i can add logging so all db queries are logged.

posts: 61

i just will keep on talking to myself ๐Ÿ˜•

i have followd the $num_queries variable printed in the footer (so you get something like 2760 databse queries used)

first anded up in galexia but that file was not used then went to tikidblib.php in the dir lib.

there is something like:
$debugger->msg($this->num_queries.': '.$query);

but i did not realy follow this can i some how print this to the debugger console.

any why i now print the queries to the screen (all 2760!!)

now i will look at these queries.... pfff ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

posts: 61

some queries are done many many and many times. i don't understand why.
like this (a form page, don't look at the total line):

42624=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42625=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42626=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,

42627=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42628=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42629=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42630=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42631=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42632=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42633=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,

42634=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42635=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42636=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42637=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42638=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42639=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42640=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,

42641=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42642=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42643=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42644=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42645=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42646=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42647=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,

42648=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42649=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42650=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42651=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42652=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42653=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,

42654=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42655=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42656=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42657=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42658=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42659=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42660=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,

42661=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42662=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42663=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42664=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42665=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42666=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42667=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,

42668=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42669=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42670=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42671=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42672=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42673=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42674=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,

42675=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42676=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42677=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42678=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42679=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42680=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,

42681=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42682=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42683=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42684=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42685=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42686=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42687=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,

42688=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42689=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42690=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42691=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42692=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42693=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42694=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,

42695=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42696=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42697=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42698=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42699=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42700=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42701=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,

42702=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42703=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42704=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42705=====>select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=? | xandra,
42706=====>select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=? | 34911,
42707=====>select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=? | 34911,

posts: 61
you can see that with 1 post extra there are almost 200 queries added!

posts: 32

> hi,
> first tikiwiki is great i use it for about 2 years and i'am very happy with it.
> but last couple of months the website is getting very slow.
> 1)
> is there any documentation to solve such a problem or
> 2)
> is there en expert which can help me (for a small amount of mony)?
> 3)
> can the problem be a to large database (images go into the db)
> this is my website:
> http://www.ijbrug.nl
> i will too update the software to the latest version.

Here's a list of some of the things I've done to speed stuff up.

Installed eaccelerator - gave a slight page speed up

Database - assuming mysql here mostly

  • Periodically optimize your tables - can be done via gui or command line - eg the open source version of sqlyog has a gui option to do this.
  • Add a big query cache - save your server by caching results in ram.
  • Reorganize table structure - requires some programming. You say you store your images in the database - one thing to be aware of if you're using MyISAM tables is that if the images/files are stored in a blob, MyISAM reads the blob into memory as it performs a query, even if the field containing the blob isn't part of the query - this can have a big impact on searches that need to work through rows, so I store blob data in a separate table linked to the original table row via a key - makes a big difference especially if you have lots/big images. I think tiki_images and tiki_image_data already do this, but if you've lots of images stored elsewhere in tw, in the database, then this could be something to look into, e.g. I don't *think* this separation happens with tiki_files if you store files in the database there.

Other - turn off non-essential services on your server, or perhaps look to see if you can restart any non responsive/crashed services if there are any.



posts: 61

thanks al123 finaly i don't feel so lonly anymore. i will use our tips!

in java i have writen a small program which reads the logged queries from above and runs them agains the database with explain.
this gave me a nice overview of missing indexes.
up to now i found these:

ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_articles` ADD INDEX `topicId` USING BTREE(`topicId`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`users_permissions` ADD INDEX `type` USING BTREE(`type`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_forum_attachments` ADD INDEX `threadId` USING BTREE(`threadId`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`users_users` ADD INDEX `login` USING BTREE(`login`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_modules` ADD INDEX `name` USING BTREE(`name`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_user_assigned_modules` ADD INDEX `position` USING BTREE(`position`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_articles` ADD INDEX `publishDate` USING BTREE(`publishDate`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_articles` ADD INDEX `expireDate` USING BTREE(`expireDate`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_articles` ADD INDEX `type` USING BTREE(`type`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_article_types` ADD INDEX `show_pre_publ` USING BTREE(`show_pre_publ`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_article_types` ADD INDEX `show_post_expire` USING BTREE(`show_post_expire`);

posts: 61

and two more:

ALTER TABLE `ijbrug2`.`tiki_comments` ADD INDEX `objectType`(`objectType`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug2`.`tiki_comments` ADD INDEX `commentDate`(`commentDate`);

it's a real improvement. i will investeged some more.

maybey someone can put this in the distribution.

posts: 61

after monitoring all queries for 20 min i got 26.000 queries. thousends of which were not optimised. i think with these last indexes they are.

ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_modules` ADD INDEX `position`(`position`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_modules` ADD INDEX `type`(`type`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_link_cache` ADD INDEX `url`(`url`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_articles` ADD INDEX `author`(`author`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_sessions` ADD INDEX `user`(`user`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_galleries` ADD INDEX `visible`(`visible`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_galleries` ADD INDEX `user`(`user`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_galleries` ADD INDEX `public`(`public`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`messu_messages` ADD INDEX `user`(`user`);

ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`messu_messages` ADD INDEX `isRead`(`isRead`);

my site is running much faster this should realy be added to the code source.

is there someone out there???

posts: 30
Thanks for posting your research and results!

posts: 61

fumphco thanks.

i hope someone can impllement the indexes on this site.
14,81 sec to load ๐Ÿ˜ฌ... pfffff

posts: 30

> i hope someone can impllement the indexes on this site.
> 14,81 sec to load eek... pfffff

Did it take that long for you to receive this page? It displays in my browser in about 3 seconds (bottom bar shows 2.28 seconds, 367 queries). There was a time when pages were loading very slow for me in IE. I investigated and found that my IE was configured to check for new versions of stored pages every time. I changed the setting to automatic and noticed a significant performance improvement. I think the reason is that the style sheets are big, so browser caching speeds up page views considerably.

posts: 61

yes now it is faster bot bar: 2.33 secs and 449 queries.

a couple off day's ago there where much more queries and it took much longer. is this a new version??

posts: 61

one more:

ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_comments` ADD INDEX `average`(`average`);

i now also tried the tikilibdebug (see http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=DbPerformance) and now i see there are a lot of inserts into the table:
and a delete which took a long time.

what is the tiki_searchindex doing?