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?'s about tikipedia theme

Gary, I really like your tikipedia theme. 2 questions:

What controls the appearance of and the items in the listing under Toolbox on the lefthand column?

I have the module application_menu set in the left hand column. Will this module appear collapsed or expanded, and is there away to specify which?




> Gary, I really like your tikipedia theme.

Thanks, it was an interesting challenge and it's great to see it being used for different kinds of nice Tiki sites.

> 2 questions:
> What controls the appearance of and the items in the listing under Toolbox on the lefthand column?

There's a Smarty filter (conditional statement) that checks if the web page being displayed is a wiki page or not. If it is, the toolbox code is included.

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{if $page} {* displays toolbox (watch, backlinks, etc.) on wiki pages *} {include file="mod-toolbox.tpl"} {/if}

The items in the listing are the ones that normally appear above the wiki content. I just moved them from tiki-show_page.tpl to a separate file. (I haven't reviewed these files to check what's missing from newer Tiki versions. For Tiki 1.10, I want to update this and other themes I've done to be sure new features are all there. Also, it'd be good to modernize the code and get away from table layouts where possible. Actually for Tikipedia I want to make an option for using a right-side column, probably with the modules in their own boxes within the main content area visually.)

> I have the module application_menu set in the left hand column. Will this module appear collapsed or expanded, and is there away to specify which?

It should appear as specified on the Admin Menus page, as far as I know. By default, that's set to be dynamic collapsed. The theme itself uses the default module files and doesn't do anything special here. The menu and module state information is stored in cookies, so it might be necessary to delete those cookies for your domain in your browser to check what's really the default behavior.

-- Gary

If I wanted to eliminate the appearance of the Toolbox menu, how would I do it? In what file does the Smarty filter reside?



In the theme's tiki.tpl file. The toolbox is shown according to a filter in templates/styles/tikipedia/tiki.tpl. If the center column content is a wiki page, then toolbox.tpl is included and displayed at the top of the left column (div id="col2") above where the modules are loaded. Similarly, author information is shown in tiki-bot_bar.tpl, where Mediawiki's Monobook theme puts it, and the same kind of filter is used ({if $page}).

-- Gary


I am also using the Tikipedia theme on my wiki : http://www.joomlagate.com/wiki/.

I hope that toolbox can show up in the center column, on the upper right corner of a wiki page, just beside the Email to a Friend link.

But I can't find related settings option at Admin backend.

Do I need to hack some files to move this toolbox to center column? If true, how to? Sorry I am a newbie here.

Thanks to Gary for your theme.

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