Tiki Calendar issues/needs
Moved from another thread about something else and summarized here. Interested in what others have found -care to add your two cents & solutions?:
The Tiki calendar is handy but has some issues:
-If your server is located in a different time zone than you are there's no way to get Tiki to honor your zone. Marc LaPorte says "This is solved for Tiki 1.9.8". We say Woo Hoo!
-12 hr time needs to be easily chooseable as default for start and end times. Right now to change these you have to modify the calendar-add-event template and Calendar templates. Rick S says "Even better... make the calendar respect the time/date preferences, as specified on the Admin page. There is no reason (I can think of) why not." This should be true everywhere in Tiki.(Maybe this is fixed in 1.10?)
-Event pop up is 24 hr only not 12hr. This cannot be changed in a template or anywhere else we've found.
-A way to turn those pesky pop ups off! Rick S says "Just remove the onoverlib statement in the calendar TPL file. Of course, you then need to increase the truncation, so users can actually read the event." (I think it's OK for me that they just click it to get more info.) Another solution might be to have some way to set a dwell time before the pop up comes up. The problem is that, as you move your cursor to an event to read it, it pops up every other event you pass over.
-Default status for add event should be "confirmed" not "tentative". This can also be changed in the template files. The two that matter are tiki-calendar.tpl and tiki-calendar_add_event.tpl. Poking around in these, you can change many things. I was able to add instructions so my users could work around some of these issues.