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Architecture / Installation

blank page after tiki-install.php

posts: 1

I got blank page after I input database info.
PHP: 5.1.6
TIKI: 1.9.8

I can see the first web page to input database info, after that, always blank page and local.php can't be created automatically. check the httpd log, found this:

PHP Warning: asort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/www/tiki/templates_c/en
F7F^F7F34188%%header.tpl.php on line 139, referer:

I don't know what the error. Any help will be appreciated.


posts: 1639 Canada


Can you try with Mysql?

Let's rule out that it's an issue with Postgresql


M ๐Ÿ˜‰

posts: 3 United Kingdom

> Can you try with Mysql?
> Let's rule out that it's an issue with Postgresql
> M ๐Ÿ˜‰


I'm getting that message & those symptoms (enter credentials & DB name at tiki-install.php, get blank page) with MySQL. My stats are:

OS: CentOS 5 x86_64
DB: MySQL 5.0.22
PHP: 5.1.6

The line number in my case is 158 not 139, but otherwise identical.

I came to the forum via the install troubleshooting FAQ which mentioned that I should have PEAR installed. I did that earlier today while installing something else.


posts: 3 United Kingdom

> > Can you try with Mysql?
> > Let's rule out that it's an issue with Postgresql
> > M ๐Ÿ˜‰
> I'm getting that message & those symptoms (enter credentials & DB name at tiki-install.php, get blank page) with MySQL.
> The line number in my case is 158 not 139, but otherwise identical.

Just tried 1.9.7 in the same environment, got the same message (but line 139).

Being as it's just a warning the asort message might be a dead herring. No other diags though, even with PHP logging turned up to 11.

The phpinfo config cell reads: "'./configure' 'build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 'host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 'target=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 'program-prefix=' 'prefix=/usr' 'exec-prefix=/usr' 'bindir=/usr/bin' 'sbindir=/usr/sbin' 'sysconfdir=/etc' 'datadir=/usr/share' 'includedir=/usr/include' 'libdir=/usr/lib64' 'libexecdir=/usr/libexec' 'localstatedir=/var' 'sharedstatedir=/usr/com' 'mandir=/usr/share/man' 'infodir=/usr/share/info' 'cache-file=../config.cache' 'with-libdir=lib64' 'with-config-file-path=/etc' 'with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d' 'disable-debug' 'with-pic' 'disable-rpath' 'without-pear' 'with-bz2' 'with-curl' 'with-exec-dir=/usr/bin' 'with-freetype-dir=/usr' 'with-png-dir=/usr' 'enable-gd-native-ttf' 'without-gdbm' 'with-gettext' 'with-gmp' 'with-iconv' 'with-jpeg-dir=/usr' 'with-openssl' 'with-png' 'with-pspell' 'with-expat-dir=/usr' 'with-pcre-regex=/usr' 'with-zlib' 'with-layout=GNU' 'enable-exif' 'enable-ftp' 'enable-magic-quotes' 'enable-sockets' 'enable-sysvsem' 'enable-sysvshm' 'enable-sysvmsg' 'enable-track-vars' 'enable-trans-sid' 'enable-yp' 'enable-wddx' 'with-kerberos' 'enable-ucd-snmp-hack' 'with-unixODBC=shared,/usr' 'enable-memory-limit' 'enable-shmop' 'enable-calendar' 'enable-dbx' 'enable-dio' 'with-mime-magic=/etc/httpd/conf/magic' 'without-sqlite' 'with-libxml-dir=/usr' 'with-xml' 'with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs' 'without-mysql' 'without-gd' 'without-odbc' 'disable-dom' 'disable-dba' 'without-unixODBC' 'disable-pdo' 'disable-xmlreader' 'disable-xmlwriter'"

NB without-mysql and without-pear up there. Are those deal breakers?


posts: 3 United Kingdom

> NB without-mysql and without-pear up there. Are those deal breakers?
> Hasta,
> OlRedEyes

Here's what worked for me. Remember, I have:
OS: CentOS 5 x86_64 (=~ RHEL 5)
DB: MySQL 5.0.22
PHP: 5.1.6

1 - I edited my php.ini to increase the memory limit to 32M (it was 16M).
2 - I installed eaccelerator, building it from source downloaded at: http://eaccelerator.net/
(I downloaded and followed the 'install from source' link).
3 - during the above I had to install the php-devel package to get 'phpize'
4 - I installed php-mysql — this is when it all started working so it may be the only necessary step so I suggest doing it first.

I was surprised at having to do step 4. I can only assume that the CentOS guys are psychos, installing PHP and MySQL OOTB but not php-mysql.

I don't care though, I'm all Tiki'ed up.


posts: 9

Where might a newbie with this problem find "php-mysql"? I am searching to no avail!
Many thanks!

> > NB without-mysql and without-pear up there. Are those deal breakers?
> >
> > Hasta,
> > OlRedEyes
> Here's what worked for me. Remember, I have:
> OS: CentOS 5 x86_64 (=~ RHEL 5)
> DB: MySQL 5.0.22
> PHP: 5.1.6
> 1 - I edited my php.ini to increase the memory limit to 32M (it was 16M).
> 2 - I installed eaccelerator, building it from source downloaded at: http://eaccelerator.net/
> (I downloaded and followed the 'install from source' link).
> 3 - during the above I had to install the php-devel package to get 'phpize'
> 4 - I installed php-mysql — this is when it all started working so it may be the only necessary step so I suggest doing it first.
> I was surprised at having to do step 4. I can only assume that the CentOS guys are psychos, installing PHP and MySQL OOTB but not php-mysql.
> I don't care though, I'm all Tiki'ed up.
> Hasta,
> OlRedEyes

posts: 7

> I got blank page after I input database info.
> OS: REDHAT 5 I386
> PHP: 5.1.6
> TIKI: 1.9.8
> I can see the first web page to input database info, after that, always blank page and local.php can't be created automatically. check the httpd log, found this:

> PHP Warning: asort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/www/tiki/templates_c/en
F7F^F7F34188%%header.tpl.php on line 139, referer:

> I don't know what the error. Any help will be appreciated.
> Bill

Same issue here on a fresh Gentoo build using PHP5, Apache2, and MySQL 14.12 Distrib 5.0.44.

Firefox gives no indication of a problem, IE6 returns:

HTTP 500 - Internal server error
Internet Explorer

Does this give any helpful information?

posts: 2


I have this blank page problem, too.

OS: MS Windows Server 2003 R2, SP 2
PHP: 5.2.5 (max_execution_time = 300 / max_input_time = 60 / memory_limit = 128M)
WEBSERVER: Apache 2.0.58

After reading this thread I activated php_mysql. I didn't install eAccelerator (do I need to?). As far as php-devel is concerned I couldn't find out what's the counterpart for windows might be.

I found the following error in Apache2/logs/error.log:

Tue Mar 11 16:39:01 2008 error client PHP Warning: asort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in C:\\web\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\htdocssecure\\tiki\\templates_c\\de
F7F^F7F34188%%header.tpl.php on line 160

Any ideas?

Thanks! Sitko

posts: 2
Sorry everybody, it turned out I didn't enable postgresql in php (that means un-commenting "extension=php_pgsql.dll" in php.ini for windows). For some reasons I enabled mysql, but not postgresql. Now it works.

posts: 4

I got the HTTP 500 error after enter the database setup info of tiki-install.php

OS:window XP pro IIS
tiki installer :
database : mysql 5.0

I already created a schema "tiki" and create a new user and password for it. I can access this scheme thru mysql admin.

please help !

posts: 1

Similar issue here. When the database connection screen shows up I see this at the bottom:

PHP Warning: asort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Tiki\tikiwiki-1.9.11\templates_c\en
F7F^F7F34188%%header.tpl.php on line 160

When I enter the database info I get a 500 internal server error back after submitting

windows 2003 server w/IIS
PHP 5.2.6
Tiki 1.9.11
MySql 5.0

Thanks for any help on debugging.


posts: 1

I had this problem, but I fixed it.

OS: Vista (cry for me)
DB: MySQL 5.0.22
PHP: 5.1.6
server: Apache 2.2.8

My problem was that I would get a blank page after running tiki-install.php.
In my apache error log, I had
PHP Warning: asort() expects parameter 1 to be array

To solve it,
I uncommented extension=php_mysql.dll in my php.ini file, but that alone did not solve it.
I then got frustrated and started installing mediawiki. It said my php installation "Could not find a suitable database driver!"
Again, I got frustrated. I ran php.exe out of curiosity. It said it couldn't find php_mysql.dll.
I looked in the php.ini file and changed extension_dir from the default to extension_dir = "C:\php5\ext" and now both Tikiwiki and mediawiki will install.