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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Forum Convert tool

posts: 8 United States

Dose anyone have or know of any phpBB to TikiForum conversion tools?

I could really use one, if you know of one, email me at tburnham at geeksonwheels.us

posts: 3 Canada
i'm working on one now ... i'll keep this forum updated.

posts: 3 Canada
anyone have a relationship diagram/schema of the tiki 1.7 database? that would make this a whole lot easier.

posts: 3 Canada

> Glitchy:
> i'm working on one now ... i'll keep this forum updated.

sorry .. unable to complete task.

Someone else please do so.

posts: 8 United States

Here is the issue.

Importing Users:
The seed is different for the password hash. Thats going to make importing users a problem

Importing Messages:
Messages are stored as part of the tiki_comments table, while the forum data is stored in tiki_forums. The problem is cross referancing the information out of the comments. I have no idea what the field "object" refers to, and the layout is generally confusing.

I can understand keeping forum data in the comments table since its the same format, perhaps the same function(), but it makes importing to tiki a royal pain.

phpBB is quite stright forward in it's data storage, and the schema is easy enough to figure out.

The ideal outcome is importing users and user email addresses, and forcing a password change, with a password re-emailed to them. If they have a problem after that, an admin can help.

And importing Forum Topics, subjects, titles, dates, and content into the tiki system.

But as long as you get the Who/Date/Subject/Content in, I suppose I could make users re-register.

Anyway, if anyone wants to help me with this project, email me at tburnham at geeksonwheels.us


posts: 38
I'm considering moving from IBF to TW forums (for the sake of integration), I'm still waiting to see the available tools for that

posts: 3


I'd be very interested to hear of any progress you made or problems encountered on this one. I'll shortly be facing the same situation 😕

(From my limited experience) :
The Object Type field contains a string such as "forum", "image" etc, indicating where this comment came from (ie if a user posts a comment in connection with someone elses image gallery, it goes here.)

The Object field contains a number which identifies one particular instance of that Object Type. Hmm, for example:

A user makes a few posts in a forum "My First Forum", those will all show in this table with Object Type = forum, Object = 1.

The user then makes a post in another forum "My Second Forum", that post appears in this table with Object Type = forum, Object = 2.

Then they post a comment on someone's image, in the gallery "My First Image Gallery". That appears as Object Type = image_gallery, Object = 1.

I don't know the full list of Object Types, but for importing from phpBB, obviously we just make a new column in the data, that's always set to "forum".

Now my question, what is "message_id" in the same table, or more to the point, how can we create workable values when importing?

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