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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: User registration no longer works after upgrading to (Column 'user' cannot be null)

posts: 19 Germany

Similar problem - also registration of new user does not work - ,
but problem type differs:

Now upload 2007-12-09 from sourceforge.net - latest stable version -
. tikiwiki- --- hence same version like the subject in preceeding messages here.

Uploaded to terra-unika.com/tik/
. (hoster westhost.com , good techn. support + grants SSH)
Uncompacted on the server within SSH, permissions probably all o.k,,
. most features successfully activated as "admin",
. most is tested, apparently most or all is o.k.

Login configured as good as possible (some features not
. explained in detail in the doc's, but probably this
. is not the problem origin
. (REM: Some fields which should have been filled automatically during
. INSTALL, were NOT, like HTTP server and "prefix".)

Registration of new user does not work.
. From the start page as well as from the "admin" section
. exactly same reaction:

After input (good or wrong) and "go" the page is not refreshed.
. The input fields are wiped out into blank state.
. Test it: http://terra-unika.com/tik

Then activation of all .htaccess by the supplied .sh sript.
. No change of behaviour for "new user rgistration".

register-globals are on the server SET OFF, are set to ON within
. main terra-unika.com/.htaccess
. There also PHP error log set to ON, and sent to log file.
. No error registered for login attempts

Both orders added into the TIKIWIKI main .htaccess (ONLY in this one).
. No change to observe in registration behaviour, no PHP errors stated.

Any idea what I should do next?
Primitive personal admin or install error?
Or new or old software problem?

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