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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: Control Look of Module Display on Wiki Pages

posts: 4657 Japan

Hmm, I searched the file for ".box" and ".wikitext" in order to find the ".wikitext .box" that needs to be added, and only the standard instances show up. For some reason the new lines to style wikitext modules aren't in this file (which I hope normally has a .css extension, not .txt).

-- Gary

posts: 130

I sent you a completely clean (no editing from me) css file (yes, I renamed it to .txt) just to show you what css file we are using......

for example, if I add the following css to it, I would expect the border of the boxes to be in red when displaying on a wiki page using the module plugin.....does it matter where I put this within the css file? is this the correct syntax? when i view the css file using the edit templates feature of tikiwiki, sure enough I see a red border display, but when I view the wiki page using the module plugin, I do not see a red border....

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.wikitext.box { border: 4px solid red; }