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Features / Usability

Categories Strange Behavior (Yes, I searched the Forum) in V 2.0

posts: 17

Hi Folks,

Here's a strange behavior I'm dealing with. I'm trying to setup categories. Here's the basic scenario. I setup a category, then assign an object to that category. Everything works great as the admin. I can look at the category and see/navigate to the object. I can also navigate to the object via the object's own menu selection. But here's where it goes bad. As a registered user, I can't see the object when I go to its menu selection. For example, I can see the object in the category using browse_categories, but if I go to list_articles, or forums, I can't see the object.

My permissions are set as view_categories and view_categorized under the registered group. I have show objects and show path checked. Perms on the categories are not set nor are perms on any other objects. Perms are only set on groups.

I have two installations of TW on my server and the problem is the same on both.

Please help.

Thanks in advance.

posts: 289 United States
Try clearing the cache under Admin->System (tiki-admin_system.php), in particular the "temp" cache (I think that's the right one)

posts: 17
Thanks. I tried it. No difference. The article is visible as admin, but invisible as registered user. The behavior as discussed above is exactly the same.
posts: 289 United States

If it's not a categories problem then it may be some sort of permissions problem. Does the registered user groups have permissions to view forums or articles?

Are any individual permissions set for the objects you're trying to view as a registered user, or do global permissions apply?

posts: 5
Did you ever resolve this problem?

posts: 17

That was it! I knew there had to be a logical explanation. Apparently, having the "automatically generate permissions" box checked set up only the view_categories perm and not the view_categorized perm. Once I deleted the category perm (and unchecked the box for all subsequent creations of new categories) the problem went away.

BTW, it looks like the view_categorized perm isn't available in the drop down when you set category perms.

Darkbee, thanks for the diagnostics help.

Now, on to the email notifications feature ...


posts: 289 United States

Now this whole drop down box not having the correct (all four) permissions in it, I have experienced and that did turn out to be a cache problem. Often the two are closely related in some way or another.

Just glad I could help, I'm not exactly a pro yet myself! 😉

posts: 17
I just checked and all category permissions now appear in the drop down box. I can see that emptying the cache is important when making configuration changes.

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