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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

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Features / Usability

Displaying Tracker information on Wiki Page

posts: 130

I have asked this question before, but here is a slightly different take.......

We currently use the Tracker Plugins to show tracker information on wiki pages with something like this.....

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{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>2,fields=>2:69:4:66:1:8, showtitle=>n, sort=>y,showfieldname=>y, sort_mode=>Created,max=-1,showlinks=y,status=op)}Notice{TRACKERLIST}

This works awesome in most cases, shows it in a very linear, table style.....

Is there way to have more control over the layout, meaning maybe I want to show field 69 in the top right corner, and field 8 center at the bottom. Are there commands, maybe smarty commands, where I can extract the data out and put it where I want?

Or, just thinking about it I guess I could use some tables and just put the following code in to show individual tables...., CODE()} Missing or incorrect trackerId parameter for the plugin. List Trackers{CODE}

posts: 130

Sorry second part for code is suppose to be this....so, I can do it this way, but is there a better way to do it?

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{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>2,fields=>69, showtitle=>n, sort=>y,showfieldname=>y, sort_mode=>Created,max=-1,showlinks=y,status=op)}Notice{TRACKERLIST}

posts: 130

More clarification....I got to thinking that basically what I am searching for is the old mail merge stuff (old to me at least)....remember mail merge where you would write up a letter something like this

Dear ,

So, is there a way to have one record per page and so something like the above whereby I show the specific trackers first name and last name, one record on the page...do I just use the trackerplug to do this, or are there more advanced smarty tags that might give me some more capability....