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Features / Usability

Cannot report forum post - receive error

posts: 289 United States

The forum "report post" feature is not working for me, I get an error when clicking the no-entry icon:

AJAX Error wrote:

Error: the XML response that was returned from the server is invalid.

It looks like it's trying to use an AJAX object, but after a few seconds the above error pops up in a new window, with what looks like the source code for the entire page. I wonder if this is related to the minichat problem i.e. there is an underlying issue with an AJAX object? Of course it could be a misconfiguration on my part. I'm using 2.0.

posts: 289 United States
UPDATE: it works if I turn off the AJAX feature.
posts: 289 United States
That's understandable. I just want to be sure that the problem is not with my configuration or something that I'm doing wrong. I don't want to report bugs that aren't really bugs, I'm sure you devs have better things to do with your time. 😀

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