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Features / Usability

Re: Re: Feature request: FREETAG plugin

posts: 43 United States
Darren wrote:
This might be a stupid question but what would the Freetag plugin do exactly? The most useful/typical thing one would want from freetags right now would be a "tag cloud" and that exists already.

It's not a stupid question; ricks99 took some convincing initially, too. 😊

You can ask the same question about the CATEGORY plugin: what do you really need it for, since you can browse and search the structure and the categorized objects in tiki-browse_categories.php ?

The answer is that sometimes you want to display a category sub-set within a wiki page. For example, we have an Engineering portal page, and part of the page uses the CATEGORY plugin to display wiki pages and forums that are in any of the half-dozen or so engineering categories.

One of our engineers has started using the wiki to run one of her projects, and wants to display an automated list of all related objects on her main project page. However, we're not going to create sub-categories for every new project, especially now that we have tags. A FREETAG plugin would allow her to show all items tagged "Project XYZ", or perhaps an intersection of tags ("Product Line X" * "Accessory Y" * "Option Z").

- ))MacLeod((

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