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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Alignment horizontal bar and mouseover effect

posts: 54 Germany

Once again 😡

I cancled the html tags, didn't know, how to insert the code like Darkbee above. I tried to use the CODE-Quicktag

This code works fine, the menu appears right next to the image :

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DIV align="left" style="background-color: #B5A58C" IMG src="img/Logo.png" style="float: left" {phplayers id=43 type=horiz} /DIV

But trying to let a menu been followed by an image, there is the linebreak again (between menu id=44 and the image). Even giving a margin big enough to let space for the menu (in the example I used for testing only one option).

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DIV align="left" style="background-color: #B5A58C" {phplayers id=44 type=horiz}IMG src="img/Logo.png" style="float: left; margin-left: 250px" DIV align="right">{phplayers id=43 type=horiz}/DIV /DIV>

Also trying to let one menu follow the other, I'm failing again.

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DIV align="left" style="background-color: #B5A58C" {phplayers id=44 type=horiz} DIV style="margin-left: 250px"> {phplayers id=43 type=horiz} /DIV /DIV

I think there surely would be a solution, to align an image after the menu ... I feel a bit puzzled again.

By the way another question :

Driving over one in the menu defined option, a text-link, which e.g. is linking to my wiki homepage, there appears a little grey square below the linking text, that I would like to deactivate.

Any ideas, how to do this ?

I created a CSS class with explicit description for elements of this class for example to define a color change for mouseover like I used on my other site, like this :

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DIV#Menu a:hover, #Menu a:active, #Menu a:focus { background-color: #CCC7FF; text-decoration: none; }

The CSS class was detected correctly how I could notice using the background-color defintion for the whole DIV ... but nothing changed the square-appearance.

I hope I'll soon finished with the header 🙄

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