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switch_theme module permission

I'm logged in as admin after a fresh install and I assigned the switch_theme module for the admin group to be able to swith between the different styles.

However I get an error messages saying: Permission denied

Any clue what I should assign? i am admin, thought I had right to do anything 😊

I looked at the permissions but did not find anything, looked at the module code too but i am not really familiar with smarty..

i think this part of the code is interesting:

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if ( isset($_COOKIE['tiki-theme']) && !($prefs['feature_userPreferences'] == 'y' && $user && $prefs['change_theme'] == 'y') ){ $style = $_COOKIE['tiki-theme'];

if you have any idea on how to get this working please let me know.

many thanks and keep up the great work! 😊

thanks for the hint, I found it but it is under Admin > Login

I think it would be practical to move this to the Look&Feel section and also the restriction of languages to the I18n section, what do you think? how are such things decided?

thanks again for your quick help,