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Features / Usability

Questions about experience with Staging and Approving - e.g. "Out of Sync"

posts: 54 Germany


my first question: does "out of sync" for a wiki page means, that this page has not been categorized?

Then secondly: assuming this, did I understand it right, that I don't need to create and select a category for "Category for pages out of sync", if I have the following settings:

  • I assign to every user group, that has permissions to create and edit a wiki page, under admin > groups a default category - maybe just the one, which is also the category for staging pages.

  • To avoid, that a page created or edited by admin gets out of sync, I select under admin > wiki " If not in the group, edit is always redirected to the staging page edit: admins".

And thirdly: On the documentation page http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Wiki+Page+Staging+and+Approval&bl=y I found under "Important notes about creating new pages" the following:

  • "When creating new pages as someone with permission to the approved category, place the page in the category for approved pages if this is a page that needs to be staged. "

Could someone explain me this?

Does it mean: If an approval-user or maybe also I as admin (?) is creating a wiki page, than he/we has/have to select manually the category for approved pages? If yes, why should we do so, wouldn't the setting, I described under secondly, not be enough to force a categorization of a new page - and why should this new page be put into the category for approved ones and not "normally" (and I hope automatically ?) in that for staging pages like for every other user?

Thanks in advance for suggestions,

posts: 54 Germany

Now I configured it like written above. It seems to run well like the first time I tested it with similar settings (only similar in view of groups and additional categories).

But if someone could help me to understand the settings I mentioned ... 😉

While testing I noticed, that the page description disappears, when the page is edited.

  • First a user creates a new page with description.

  • The page is saved as staging page with the description.

  • If the page is edited before approval, the description remains in the field.

  • After approving the description is still there.

  • But when the page is "re-opend" for an edit after approval, the field for the description field is blank.

Any ideas, what I have to change / (de)activate?

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