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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: Category based permission troubles

posts: 54 Germany
I got same kind of problem when I enabled categories. Anonymous have view_categories and view_categorized rights but they can't see any items in any category (same problem with Registered). I tried to give admin_category permission for Anonymous for one category and after that they were able to see the items in that category. Why is that?

If you want all Anonymous and Registered let see the categories and the items in the categories, then take away the "object-specific" permissions given to your categories (like you wrote in your first post).

=> So the global permissions given to your users will affect, that they can see the categories themself and the categorized objects.

If you then want to restrict view-permission to a category or/and the objects in it, assign specific rights only to this category like you did above.

=> So the global permissions will be overwritten by the object specific permissions (of the category and its items).


  • By assigning group permissions like tiki_p_view_categorized and tiki_p_view_categories you only give the general permission to view (categories nad items in them).

  • In the moment you assign specific permissions to an object (maybe a category) this rights will be restricted only to those users, you explicitely call there (e.g. in the category).
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