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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Contact Us page Feature

posts: 10


I've been trying to set-up the Contact Us feature. After thinking I have set it up, when I click on 'Contact Us' I get the message:

'This feature is disabled: feature_messages'.

Therefore what could I be doing wrong.



I have followed the instructions (http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Contact+Us):-

1.) Enable the Feature:

Contact us and Contact Us (Anonymous) can be turned on here:

Internal messaging must be on
tiki_p_messages permission must be given to "Anonymous" group

In tiki-admin.php?page=general, you can set up Contact user and Allow anonymous users to "Contact Us"

Contact user is by default "admin". You can change to the username which should receive these messages.

Please note that the messages will be sent to the user via Tiki's internal messaging system. This user may want to use Send me an email for messages with priority equal or greater than in tiki-user_preferences.ph

posts: 4661 Japan

Try clearing your site's caches (at tiki-admin_system.php). Or try logging out and logging back in. Sometimes old information is retained in the caches or logged-in session, so you don't see the new behavior.

-- Gary

posts: 10

Thanks for the help Gary.

I managed to find the solution to the problem with 'Contact Us' page by going through all the settings. it took some time!

I solved it (to a degree) by going to

1. Admin
2. Features
3. User: ticking User Messages

I am currently after a site where users don't have to log in (only for admin), so;
In General preferences and settings,
I've got it set-up so I have 'Allow anonymous users to "Contact Us":'

However when I click on 'Contact Us' I get a blank page.
If I log in as 'Admin' I can click on 'Contact Us' and the page displays correctly with contact box.

Any ideas?



posts: 289 United States

When you say "blank", do you mean absolutely 100% white with no text on it whatsoever? Or do you see some of the Tiki modules/site layout? I assume you don't get any error message such as "you don't have permission"?

I've never seen the 100% blank white page for contact us, only with searching.

You might want to check the tiki_p_messages permission for anonymous users just in case, but it doesn't sound like that's the problem. Otherwise I'd suggest what Gary said, if you haven't done so already.

What you are trying to do is absolutely achievable because I do it all the time, something is wrong somewhere.

posts: 10

Thanks for reply.

The page is there, I see the site layout, it's just the contact box in the page is missing, it's just a blank white page. I get no errors, and I've checked all permissions but cannot see anything wrong. I think it's something really simple that is wrong but I can't see it.

I can see it correctly, logged in as admin, but not as anonymous.

I have been working with setting up a Contact page using Trackers which is a bit more tedious but I can get this to work.

I would still like to find out why I cannot get get the 'Contact Us' feature to work.



posts: 289 United States

The fact that you can view it with admin but not anyone else suggests a permissions problem. However the fact that you're not getting any "You don't have permission" messages contradicts this. Typically this kind of weirdness occurs when the Tiki cache (not browser cache) needs clearing, but I'm assuming you've already done that as suggested. Also, have you set the "Contact user" username (which is above "Allow anonymous users to contact us" under General/Admin? I don't think you need to do this but perhaps you should set an email address for the user that will be contacted too, and make sure that user's information is "public" (under user preferences).

Have you tried using a different theme? Unlikely to be the cause of the problem but always worth ruling out.

The only other thing I can think of is that a template or file pertaining to the the contact feature is corrupt or the incorrect version. You could try downloading the Tiki installation package, extracting the files pertaining to the contact page and re-uploading them to your site.

probably tiki-contact.php and templates/tiki-contact.tpl.

Otherwise you've got me stumped. I've tried reproducing it and I can't (changing various settings and removing permissions etc).

Sorry. 😕

posts: 26

I have the exact message

'This feature is disabled: feature_messages'.

After I upgraded from 1.9 to 2.3.
Just upgraded from 2.3 to 3.0 and I still have this issue for ALL users.

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