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Custom Share Module 0.1dev



language suggestion

posts: 3

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am in process of translating the language file. I have seen a possible problem for multi-language usage and I wanted to share it with you:
OK, we are putting language equivalents for wtring in the language file we are editing, but some languages' grammar are completely different from english, and places of verbs, subjects etc. (as in Turkish). Since the original strings are not parametirised such that "We have %1 users online", it is sometimes possible to translate the strings by writing irrelevant values to get the expected result in English. Do you agree my opinion?

posts: 56 China

I can't agree more.

I am trying to translate Tikiwiki core language into Chinese, and found the same problem.

Hope the develop team will make it more reasonable for translators.


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