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Using CDN to improve Tiki speed

posts: 3665 United States

Has anyone used a CDN (Content Distribution Network) in conjunction with Tiki in an effort to help improve performance? Obviously, it won't do anything for the SQL statements, but prehaps it could help out with static images, JS files, and file galleries.

I've been having a look at CoralCDN, an opensouce CDN solition. Anyone else been looking into things like this?


posts: 3665 United States

Ahh... but it would also be nice to have solution that does not require any changes to the Tiki core. With ))CoralCDN(( I can implement it on my own without affecting Tiki dev.


posts: 43 United States

Has anyone benchmarked the speed performance of v3.x against v2.x ?

We've currently got both versions set up on the same server, and timed the loading of the home page (just with the second hand of my watch - not sure where to view stats on this).

Results: 2.0 ? 5 seconds; 3.1 ? 10 seconds. 🙁

Outside of the CDN or any under-the-hood tinkering, is there anything that can be done within the Tiki admin configuration to improve speed?

- ))MacLeod((

posts: 4661 Japan

Just for fun, I checked these installations, all running on the same server:

Tiki 19
23 requests 299KB 25.74sec
Tiki 2
26 requests 261KB 10.77sec
Tiki 3
23 requests 209KB 13.33sec
33 requests 305KB 11.78sec
34 requests 352KB 10.7sec
13 requests 111KB 4.65sec
35 requests 516KB 13.54sec
32 requests 340KB 15.04sec (experimental/ui-revamp branch)
20 requests 262KB 10.4sec
Trunk/Tiki 4
17 requests 248KB 10.73sec
17 requests 190KB 10.77sec

More fun...

info.tw.o (Tiki 2)
37 requests 277KB 15.8sec
themes.tw.o (Tiki 2)
59 requests 354KB 25.58sec
tw.o (Tiki 3)
71 requests 718KB(!) 22.49sec
43 requests 161KB 7.76sec
35 requests 438KB 21.2sec
21 requests 61KB 4.55sec

The figures are from ))FireFox(( 3.5, using the Firebug add-on to find the display times, etc. and browser cache cleared before each test. To be more useful, it'd be good to compare installations set up as closely as possible, rather than these which are fairly random in terms of content and configuration.

Thinking about what can be done other than CDN, some slowness is attributable to multiple JavaScript and CSS files. If these can be consolidated on the fly, that'd be good, in a future release. Also if commonly used icons, etc. can be consolidated into one or a few larger files and displayed sprite-style, that'd also reduce separate requests.

As the drupal.org and wordpress.org index page examples show, having not much content on a page helps a lot, of course. When you go to the wordpress blog link, where there's more content, the figures rise closer to Tiki levels.

-- Gary

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