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SEFURL & _htaccess file

posts: 7

Using Version 3.1

It is probably something obvious to anyone who knows anything at all about such things, but I cannot follow the instructions to enable sefurl's. I have gone to the document page "Rewrite Rules," but don't understand what to do from there.

Specifically: you are instructed to rename the _htaccess file to .htaccess. However, I don't have a _htaccess file. I do have the file htaccess.sh. And the contents seem to suggest that my answers lies within, but I don't know what to do about it.

Can anyone help?

posts: 26

If you already ran htaccess.sh, you might not have a _htaccess because it has been renamed .htaccess.

You might think you don't have an .htaccess file because on Unix/Linux systems a file with a period in the first character is hidden. Try 'ls -l .htaccess'

posts: 7

Thanks for responding to me so quickly. Unfortunately, I still don't know quite what to do. Before I elaborate, I thought maybe I should mention that I installed through Simple Scripts and did an automatic profile configure that was available for a community site.

You said, "if you already ran htaccess.sh" However, I don't even know what it means to have run it. Additionally, when you say, 'try "ls-l .htaccess' I am afraid that I don't know where to look or what to do with it.

I'm probably getting in over my head here.... but I really would like to get the sefurls working. Thanks in advance!

posts: 26
And if you're able to edit the Rewrite+Rules page, you can probably improve it with what you will soon experience. If in doubt, add notes to the bottom of the page (labeled as relevant to 3.1) or add a comment to the page (there is a comment tab at the bottom), and someone else will improve the page further.

posts: 4661 Japan

Normally there is an _htaccess file in TikiWiki's root directory in a fresh installation that is manually renamed to .htaccess . You probably should contact your hosting company to find out if the ))SimpleScripts(( installation put that file there, or if it renamed it, or what. In any event, you can add the file now if you need to, either with FTP or the file manager of your control panel. Post again if you need to, and I can attach the file here.

This is the second recent post about possible strangeness with ))SimpleScripts(( installations. I hope it isn't a trend. 😉

-- Gary

posts: 7


Thanks for working with me on this issue. I suspect that the path of least resistance would be for you to send me the file. I assume I load it in the root of the directory? Do I do anything with the htaccess.sh file that is already there?

Thanks again!

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