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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Is TikiWiki the right CMS for my project? - need help

posts: 1


I didn't find a forum where I can post this but I hope you're not angry about that.

I want to migrate my sport club's website www.olc-wienerwald.at to a CMS. And TikiWiki seems very interesting. But I need some decision help.
Can you give me some Pro/Cons TikiWiki has compared to Joomla or Drupal (those I am also thinking about): To your information, I have more than basic skills in PHP and MySQL.


- It should be possible to have a good user management, members can add news posts and upload photos, change their database information (address, tel number, e-mail, etc).

- Our homepage has results which are stored as html right now and it should be possible to include them directly in the layout. see an example: http://olc-wienerwald.at/?p=2007/wolverg

- Design user friendly adaptable with CSS (it should be possible to make it like our website looks right now), XHTLM standard

- User friendly URLs

- It should be possible to have some php scripts on the site (e.g. forms with mysql).

- News with comment function

- Easily add a shoutbox, calendar, rss feed ...

Please take a look at our website www.olc-wienerwald.at and please help me deciding for the right solution! Will TikiWiki work fine or should I use joomla/drupal?

Thanks and best regards,

posts: 1639 Canada


For what you describe, Tiki has the feature-set. To make forms, without using PHP: Trackers

All three apps are similar in what they can do (a bit of everything really). But Tiki is quite different in terms of having a wiki way development model.

Please see:

Best regards,

M 😉