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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

File Gallery not displaying sub folders/gallery

posts: 2

I have been working this issue and it is driving me nuts. We are attempting to build our intranet on Tikiwiki - file management is crucial to the effort. We installed Tikiwiki 3.2 on a typical LAMP stack and found that the file gallery would not support sub folders/galleries. It would only display the "root" / top level folder. Searching the web and this site led me to believe this was an issue with version 3.2 so we did an in place upgrade to 4.2 and are running PHP 5.0 All the documentation I can find on this topic leads me to believe that the actions that I am expecting in the file gallery should be there now, yet when I go in I still cannot see sub galleries nor will they display in the parent list box when choosing a parent. I am at a loss at where to turn next. Am I inncorrect that sub galleries/folders are not supported in 4.2? Any help would be appreciated!


posts: 153 Canada

Good day,

I have a deployment on version 4.2 and do see sub folders. Therefore the functionality does work. Are you experiencing these issues as an Admin? or as a different type of user? If so then you might want to activate the following permissions which do control some File Galleries display functionality


Best of luck

posts: 2
I am afraid I am logged in as admin - however I will go in this morning and check those permissions to see if they are set. Thanks!

posts: 2

Further to Ramon's post, I am also working on that same problem with him. We have done fresh installations of 4.2, 4.3 and are trying 5. Each time so far, we can only see expanding galleries under the children of the first gallery. If the gallery is a direct descendant we can see the plus/minus functionality. If not, then we cannot see sub galleries in the gallery tree.

Could this be related to javascript that drives the tree menu? I can't see how it could be environmental.

posts: 2
Another note: we have the same issue on another server, with a slightly different LAMP environment, so it seems to be not environmental to our best understanding.

posts: 120 Germany
Same problem here - has anyone found a solution yet?