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Features / Usability

openid and register module showing error

posts: 26

The following text shows at the top of my register module (when I include it in my home page)

"Your OpenID identity is valid

However, no account is associated to the OpenID identifier."

This is obtuse to me. I am not using openid for authentication. I didn't know I had a an openid identity (what is it???, my admin email? eh?) let alone identifier..

why is this message showing, how ca ni turn it off.


posts: 1001 Canada

Which Tiki version do you use?
Which authentication method is set in the Log in control panel screen?

posts: 26

sorry...using version 5.1.
I am using plain "tiki" authorization. (not "tiki and openid")

I am including the module "register" via a MODULE statement in my custom home page tpl file. This is putting the registration module on my page, but with the above stated msg. not sure if it is relevant, but it explains the context..

posts: 289 United States

You and your template editing! You need to stop❗


posts: 26

darkbee, my old pal, is that you? I had a feeling you'd end up here...seems like we both need a life!

(well, like I was saying, I couldnt get maketoc to work in the template (it only worked if I put it after the content, at the bottom of the page.) so I moved it all to the wiki, like you told me to at first, but then I lost my tables, and then I got my tables back, but lost the ability to use maketoc (it doestn see the header information if it is in a table) so I have finally given up. curse you tikiwiki, and the horse you rode in on...but blessings to you oh dark man from my hour of need...){/wiki}{/literally}{/dazed}{/and}{/confused}

posts: 289 United States

Tiki can be a fickle old beast, but we love her! 😐

asllearner wrote:
darkbee, my old pal, is that you? I had a feeling you'd end up here...seems like we both need a life!

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day...

Speak for yourself! I have friends! *goes to check latest registration stats for website* ...

I have friend!

What's the maketoc issue? I must be getting old, my memory is failing me. I know a couple of people have had issues with maketoc though lately. Using headings in tables are ignored by maketoc?

posts: 26

I have that friend, too. Unfortuatnely, all I know about him is his name is spambot#223xc, and he works for the russian mafia.

as to maketoc, I am not to worried about it. It was gravy on the icing of the cake. But you got it...

!this is a headingin a table

did not seem to trigger an entry in maketoc,

this is a headign not in a table


but I am really past it now (just made w.bloggar work). I am sure the answer will come someday..

post ya later...

posts: 289 United States
So you're using the standard Tiki table markup? Did you try using the {FANCYTABLE} plugin? That was my only suggestion, you might find some joy with that but I guarantee nothing, especially since you have mafia connections.
posts: 4661 Japan

It's logical that a heading in a table isn't included in maketoc, because a heading has no business being in a table if you look at the page in terms of semantic organization. The purpose of tables in modern web pages is to contain tabular data, only. Tiki still has some ways to facilitate outmoded methods, such as the Split plugin, but really it is better to use divs and other modern methods to display the page content.

If you have a table and want some text to be more prominent, you could put it in a span and make it bold or a larger size, etc., using the Tag or HTML plugin. This way it would have the visual impact, but wouldn't be taken as part of the page's organizational outline that headings represent.

If the text is meant to be a heading organizationally speaking, then it should be taken out of the table and the table content presented another, more semantically valid way.

-- Gary

posts: 26

Well, if you are going to be that way about it....

I happen to like headings in my tables. That's just the kind of guy I am. And to me they are part of the organizational structure of the page, after all, they are tables, ie. they ARE structure, and they are even, thus, semantically unified into the page as a informational unit, so they are quite deserving of being included in the toc, to my mind....I don't really concede that just because something is in a table it can't be semantically important from an page-organization standpoint. But I guess whoever writes these plugins (little green men on the moon, hence the need to build rockets) agrees with you, so what's a poor earthling to do???

Anyhow, your point is well taken, though I bet you have never spent an evening trying to do with divs what would take ten minutes with a table. Maybe it's just me, but I just ahve never gotten the knack for laying out divs the way I want...

posts: 4661 Japan

I have struggled trying to use divs and spans for things that are easy to do with tables, like everyone else who's gone through the evolution of web page layout, so I know what you mean.

But using tables other than to present rows and columns of tabular data is considered a Bad Thing by people who take these things seriously, and so as providers of web software, I think we need to promote what's seen these days as the best-practice methods.

CSS itself isn't really up to the task yet, but is getting closer. (Current CSS elements aren't necessarily suited for some of the things they're being put to any more than tables are, but HTML5 and CSS3 will be better at this and will start to get supported in Tiki as of release 7.)

-- Gary

posts: 26

well, gary. I understand what you are saying, and as should be evident from just about everything I've posted, my tongue was (too) firmly placed in my cheek during my rant...

But here's the punchline: I was using the tables from code on a documentation page! (Far be it from me to actually compose any code on my own, when stealing is so much more cleverer.) I don't remember which, but if I do I will be sure to pass on the slap on the wrist ➡️❗😉

seriously, I appreciate the nod to nice netiquette, and the valiant guardianship of the codes of codable coding, especially in the face of my undeserved mockery, which was not aimed at you, but at "those who take these things seriously" (unless that is you, in which case I am in deep doo doo), especially since I am a reasonably intelligent guy who can't quite understand why presenting "rows and columns of tabular data" is ok, as long as the tabular data is not itself important enough to say, include in a table (yikes) of contents. I know this is just due to my general and intentional ignorance of the finer points of HTML etc, and of some sophisticated theorizing by very intelligent people about the nature of information and so on. (The way best practices changes so quickly these days, ordinary people like you and I (hahahahahahahaha) really don't stand a chance). Theory is wonderful, but if the theory doesn't jibe with common sense, I tend to give points to common sense. And of course, my common sense is someone else's nonsense.
(I know hammers are supposed to be held at the bottom, but if I get a better grip from the top, is it my fault or the hammer's?)

For example, it appears a table of types of content...one row for each type (blog, forum, wiki) is taboo though a table of names of content is benighted. But for me, it's a short and slippery hop from one to the other. I see that I can accomplish the same with a div of divs, but what is the difference (shouldn't that be true vice versa, too)? By using divs of divs, and then having to create various classes to identify my positioning so it looks like a table, to my mind, is taking a structure that is more suited for linear information IMHO (a division) and fooling it into behaving like a tabular one. I just happen to think the powers that be may have gotten this one wrong. I get that html and css are different, presentation versus structure (not in that order!). But using a table is quite natural. And coding should be natural. So I think what is true, is that, in the end, presentation and structure sometimes are not as mutually extractable as would appear at first blush. After all people have been using tables to present data for many purposes, more than just lists of numbers, for a long time before computers came about. And if I were presenting this page via a different medium, aka paper, I (that is me, not necessary anyone else) would probably think of it as a table, not a series of divisions. Or better yet, a combination of the two: table on the outside, division on the inside. This is where the problem came in, I believe. If div on the outside is good, why not the other way round? But, as you said, standards haven't quite caught up to what people actually try to do. It may be the standards that are behind, not the people. As you suggested, even the standards people haven't found the true ultimate model...they haven't really understood information the way it already exists intuitively for some people, but rather are stuck (by the nature of the beast) on what they think computers can handle on the one hand, and on a particular set of axioms/design principles - a very good one, but not everyone's cup of tea, or as inviolable as would often appear, on the other. But as Riemmann and Lobachevski, and later Godel, have ably showed, your system is only as good as your axioms.

Or, as is more likely, I just haven't gotten the idea everyone else has. I guess I am just behind the times. He who laughs last probably didn't get the joke.

All that being said and done, be sure that at some point, I will take to resetting my page in lovely little divs, all in a row. I actually like very much how the div within a tabular layout turned out (it has an offkilter souciance that I find terribly appealing), and I wonder if I will be able to create the same effect (to do intetionally what happens by chance...more skill that I have), but maybe it will be easier than I suspect. Or by then I will have found another charming constellation of design to admire. Thanks for the push, and for the sympathetic replies.

Sorry for the lengthy reply...one good turn deserves another, eh.



posts: 26

You know I was perfe;tly happy 'till I met you. I had learned ot be satisfied in my table-less world, un-structured world. I had all I needed.

BUT NOOOOOO! you had to open your big mouth, with them $20 dollar words, like semantics and outmoded and modern. You just had to gall me, didn't you. Just to tempt me, I'm sure. Just to get under my skin so I could spend some more fruitless time trying to find documentatation that just wasn't there.

But I will not be defeated. I have friends in low places. I have google. I have no life but to grovel at the feet of the tiki gods.

But the gods know who loves them, and they reward the true believer, by ALLOWING HTML, and MAKINGTOC talk, and MAKINGTOC has spoken, and the gods saw have seen that it is good, as there are many tables upon which to rejoice, and there is one great TABLE to rule them all, and its name is CONTENTS.

I am a winner!!!

posts: 26
well, I figured out that I dont need this plugin anyway, as the login plugin allows people to register. my bad.
posts: 26
and thanks to you too chealer...

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