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Features / Usability

Where do Article Images live?

posts: 175 Canada

Hello Tiki

I'm trying to figure out where the images wind up for articles. I'm talking about the article "Own Image" used in the heading. Just made an article using Own Image, but it only appears when I'm logged in, i.e. it is not anonymous-viewable, though the article has the category anonymous and is viewable.



posts: 289 United States

The "standard" topic images are stored in the database I believe, so it's possible that the custom topic images are too. In this case it might be a character encoding issue that you probably see cropping up on the forums lately i.e. the files are in the database but they are corrupt.

Remember that if images are stored in a file gallery then users need the tiki_p_download_files permission to be able to view images (as odd as this might sound).

I'd like to offer you definite advice but I can't, so the next best thing I can do is point you in the right direction (hopefully).

posts: 175 Canada

Well tiki_p_download_files is in fact the only perm anonymous has. The rest have to specifically assigned for a given object.

The article has the category Anonymous so they can read it, but the topic image does not appear. In fact, I tried using the image as the topic image and unchecked Own Image. Same deal. Anon can't see it, but logged in it appears.

posts: 289 United States

Clear your Tiki and browser* caches just to be absolutely sure.

*or use a different browser

Umm... I would it's got to be a permission problem but I don't know what. Maybe Anonymous needs tiki_p_view_file_gallery too?

posts: 175 Canada

In any of my browsers and after clearing every cache available and given the perms

download file
view file gallery
view images

anonymous cannot view any Topic image, such as


although they can view the article itself, as it has the category Anonymous (anonymous can view) AND they can view the same image uploaded to file gallery and contained within the article body.

It's just the topic images. So I'm wondering where are the topic images kept, and what permission applies to them?


posts: 3665 United States

Your link simply redirects me to the home page. However, on this article, I'm able to see the image of the police car just fine, as an anonymous visitor.

If you're referring to the topic-image, it is stored in the database. Be sure that you do not have any DB charset issues (as detailed in the Release Notes), as it will cause images to not appear.


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posts: 175 Canada

Yes it redirects on error as it should.

The image in the article is a regular image from a file gallery and anon can view that gallery, it's the topic images they can't see.

So, in the db, what table would they be in? I was poking around and couldn't see them.

Also, where is there info on fixing charset issues? The release notes I found are threadbare on the topic.


Also, the topic images appear just fine when you're logged in, so how it could be a charset issue, I'm uncertain.

Attached is the permissions setup for cat Anonymous. Note registered and anon have same perms... but registered can see it and anon can't.


posts: 289 United States

The default topic images are stored in tiki_topics, but it looks like custom images are stored in tiki_articles (along with the article itself). There are "Blob" fields in both tables that contain image data.

In PHPMyAdmin it might be sufficient to simply go to the operations tab when viewing each table and changing the collation to UTF8 (assuming it's not already).

posts: 175 Canada

Ah so, Tiki Topics 😊

Both are already utf8 and phpMyAdmin says check status ok

It appears somehow to be permissions, but I can't find the difference between Registered (who can view it) and the Anonymous-Can-View category perms (which the article has).

We don't want anonymous to have any perms by, so pages etc must be intentionally given the category Anonymous to make them visible.

Ok Here It Is

I think this is a bug, so you can play along at home.

  1. If Anonymous is directly given the perm tiki_p_read_article
    • Anonymous can view article
    • Anonymous can view Topic Image

  1. If Anonymous is given the perm tiki_p_read_article via the Anonymous-Can_View category applied to the specific article, then
    • Anonymous can view article
    • Anonymous can not view Topic Image

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