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Features / Usability

Double Click to Edit

posts: 17

Does anyone know how I can get double click to edit to work after upgrading to 6.2? The setting in "Communities" is checked, but it doesn't work.



posts: 3665 United States
patsam wrote:

Does anyone know how I can get double click to edit to work after upgrading to 6.2? The setting in "Communities" is checked, but it doesn't work.



Be sure to check your personal, user settings. They will override the default community setting.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 17

Where would I do that? The only place I can find anything about double click to edit is under Community.


posts: 3665 United States
patsam wrote:

Where would I do that? The only place I can find anything about double click to edit is under Community.


On the General Preferences tab. See the docs for details.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

Need more help? Try Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide and Tiki Essentials: What all Smarties need to know about Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

posts: 17

Maybe I'm just being dense, but I have searched all over the General Preferences tabs and don't see anything about double click to edit. When I click on the link you included, it says "Page not found".

What am I missing?


posts: 3665 United States
patsam wrote:

Maybe I'm just being dense, but I have searched all over the General Preferences tabs and don't see anything about double click to edit. When I click on the link you included, it says "Page not found".

What am I missing?


It is labeled "Use double-click to edit pages" as shown here...


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

Need more help? Try Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide and Tiki Essentials: What all Smarties need to know about Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

posts: 17

What version are you using? As I said in my first question, I'm using 6.2, and my General Preferences doesn't look anything like the example you linked. There is not Double Click for Edit option in my General Preferences.

The only place I can find the option is under Community, but even though it is checked, I can't coulbe click to edit, which is getting extremely tedious.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


posts: 3665 United States
patsam wrote:

What version are you using? As I said in my first question, I'm using 6.2, and my General Preferences doesn't look anything like the example you linked. There is not Double Click for Edit option in my General Preferences.

The only place I can find the option is under Community, but even though it is checked, I can't coulbe click to edit, which is getting extremely tedious.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


It is in my 6.3, but the personal options has been around since 1.9.x. Please confirm that you're on the correct page. Did you enable the user preferences?


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

Need more help? Try Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide and Tiki Essentials: What all Smarties need to know about Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

posts: 17

I finally did a search for MyTiki, found the page you're referring to, checked the box that puts it in the menu and checked the Double Click to Edit. I think I'm good to go now. Thanks so much for hanging in there with me!


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